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Quantum Love and Healing with Dr. Bruce Lipton

Love heals. Because science.

We hear this a lot, as a cliched phrase in the wellness world.

What if I told you that we have plenty of science to back it up?

On today’s episode we have the godfather and founder of epigenetics: Dr. Bruce Lipton.

Decades ago, when science and biology were still operating from the paradigm that genetics controlled destiny and you don’t have any conscious control over your life and health—everything that happens to you, especially your health, is a random accident, Lipton broke out from that way of thinking via his Petri dish.

He found that genetics were completely alterable and that our thoughts and feelings are the great determinants of our health.

Rather than being passive victims of disease, he put the responsibility squarely into our hands, hearts and minds, to be able to fully direct our lives and health.

No excuses.

Because science.

This is the best kind of science.

Here metaphysics and biology meet.

The old spiritual adage “thoughts are things” becomes fact in his work.

I love anything that proves that humans have the ultimate creative power in their lives.

I did a podcast episode a couple of weeks ago on Sex, Intimacy and Immunity.

I spoke about how when we are having gourmet sex, when we are all loved up and orgasm-filled, we develop not only an immunity to physical ailments, but we develop a spiritual immunity as well.

We become immune to the negativity of others.

We become immune to the mass programming and cultural conditioning that limits people’s free thinking and ultimate potential.

“Your thoughts are more powerful than any medicine that exists on this planet.”

~ Bruce H Lipton, PhD

When we’re in a state of perpetual love and bliss (and I believe we can stay there 90%+ of the time), our world is changed.

We live in another dimension.

We still encounter challenges in life, but we meet them with grace, courage and ease.

We’re in a flow state.

This is a life of gourmet sex and love. 

In this episode we’ll talk:

  • His (and my) take on the Corona situation. Yes, we went there. I figured while I had one of the world’s most prominent and expert biologists on the phone, we’d dive in.
  • The scientific evidence for “thoughts are things”.
  • Placebo vs. nocebo effect. Your daily information diet has a dramatic impact on your beliefs and health.
  • How subconscious programming impacts your daily lives and how to change it.
  • The Honeymoon Effect. Like me, Bruce believes in lifelong passionate love and sex. The idea that the sizzle naturally dies off isn’t true at all.
  • How love and intimacy are our greatest health tools.
  • Why Bruce never has make-up sex.
  • I’m the greatest doctor in the world. Because science.

Listen to the episode now:

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My Coming Together for Couples online salon is a spiritual and sexual guide for the new millennium.

This is your ultimate guide to consciously coming together. 

We explore all things block clearing, subconscious programming and reprogramming, communication, full-body orgasms, energy orgasms, vaginal orgasms, prostate orgasms and how to navigate masculine and feminine energies to create the most epic chemistry in your lives, even when it’s been long gone. 

You can check out my free three-part video series with homeplay exercises you can try tonight!

Are you coming????



Love heals.

We hear this a lot, as a cliched phrase in the wellness world.

What if I told you that we have plenty of science to back it up?

On today’s episode we have the founder of epigenetics: Dr. Bruce Lipton.

Decades ago, when science and biology were still operating from the paradigm that genes controlled destiny and YOU don’t have ANY conscious control over your life and health—everything that happens to you, is a random accident—Lipton broke out from that way of thinking via his Petri dish.

He found that genetics were completely alterable and that our thoughts and feelings are the greatest determinants in our health.

Rather than being passive victims of disease, he put the responsibility squarely into our hands, hearts and minds, to be able to fully direct our lives and health.

No excuses.

Because: science.

This is the best kind of science.

Here metaphysics and biology meet.

The old adage “Thoughts Are Things” becomes a scientific fact in his work.

I LOVE anything that proves humans have the ultimate creative power in their lives.


I did a podcast episode a couple of weeks ago on Sex, Intimacy and Immunity.

I spoke about how when we are having gourmet sex, when we are all loved up and orgasm-filled. we develop not only an immunity to physical ailments, but we develop a spiritual resilience as well.

We become immune to the negativity of others.

We become immune to the mass programming and cultural conditioning that limits people’s free thinking and ultimate potential.

“Your thoughts are more powerful than any medicine that exists on this planet.”

This is a quote from Bruce.

When we’re in a state of perpetual love and bliss (and I believe we can stay there 90%+ of the time), our world is changed.

We live in another dimension.

We still get challenges in life, but we meet them with grace and courage and ease.

We’re in flow state.


Without further ado.

Bruce H. Lipton, PhD is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit.

Stem cell biologist, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief and recipient of the 2009 Goi Peace Award, he has been a guest speaker on hundreds of TV and radio shows, as well as keynote presenter for national and international conferences.


KIM: Hi, Bruce, and welcome. It’s lovely to have you here. I’m so excited to discuss all things quantum physics, science, healing, intimacy, and immunity. It’s a pleasure to speak with you today.

BRUCE: I so appreciate this opportunity, Kim, because we have some wonderful things to talk about. We’re going to talk about self-empowerment, especially at a time when it looks like it’s getting out of control. This is a time for that self-empowerment, so I appreciate the opportunity to talk to your wonderful audience.

KIM: Excellent. That’s exactly where I want to start, is the idea of self-empowerment, and there’s a wonderful quote from you that I’d love for you to unpack for us: “Your thoughts are more powerful than any medicine that exists on this planet.”

BRUCE: Well, that’s a story, so let’s start off with what is medicine and why do we take medicine? The answer is medicine is chemistry that is involved with the communication inside your body. Inside our body, we have all these different organs. There’s chemistry that coordinates their different functions and controls their behavior and all that stuff.

The idea of medicine is that we can make pharmaceutical signals, so to speak, chemicals that will go in the body and activate the things we want to activate. That’s the first premise of medicine.

How does it work? The cells read the environment through receptors, just like we’re reading the environment, but they’re much more simple receptors or molecules, that read light and sound and smell and taste and touch and all that. So why is it relevant?

If you want to talk to a cell, you have to send a signal to that cell and naturally, the signals are coming from within our own body. If it’s not working right, the presumption is, we take a drug, which is a signal. Put it in the body, and try to repair the signal pathway that apparently wasn’t working.

The first thing we have to understand is this: If a signal is affecting a cell, then by definition, there has to be a receptor on the cell to read that signal, otherwise the cell will never see it. These are receptors that are proteins, like antennas built into the cell. If a drug made by a manufacturer is affecting you, then by definition, you already have a receptor for that drug. Because if you don’t have a receptor, a drug wouldn’t do anything.

The next question is why do I have a receptor? Was nature waiting for the pharmaceutical company to come up with a chemical so I could use this receptor? It’s silly. The receptors exist because we already have natural chemicals that engage those receptors. Any drug that you take can only affect you if there is an analog or equivalent of that drug in your body in the first place.

So why is it relevant? We have our own pharmaceutical company and we don’t need to take these pharmaceutical drugs. What’s the issue if it’s not working? When it’s not working, we have a tendency to say, “Down here in the body, there are things that are broken. Cells are stupid. Genes are all messed up and all that.”

Let me correct an assumption here because we have this big emphasis that genes control our biology and our health.

It turns out, less than 1% of illness and disease is connected to genetics.

That means that over 90% of illness and disease have nothing to do with the mechanical nature of biology. It’s a response to the chemistry in our body that is misunderstanding or mis-controlling the system and now we’re out of harmony and sick.

No, no. We adjust our biology through our consciousness. That sounds new-agey, you say? It sure as heck sounds new-agey, but it’s the most fundamental science on this planet. There are two points to make. First, the most valid science on the planet is quantum physics. There’s no science that’s ever been tested more or affirmed more. Of all the sciences, the most truthful is quantum physics. And the first principle of quantum physics is consciousness is creating our life experience.

Rule number one, most valid science says your consciousness is involved. It’s a new-agey idea but my own research started to show the connection of mind/body/consciousness cells and how it worked. I was cloning stem cells. Stem cells are just another word for embryonic cells. Everybody’s got them because if you didn’t have stem cells, you would have died a long time ago. A body is made out of about 50 trillion cells. The cells are the living organism. The human, by absolute definition, is a community of 50 trillion cells. That’s what we are.

What’s the relevance? Cells have a life span and they die and then we have to replace them, so every day we lose hundreds of billions of cells, naturally. Just while we’ve been talking in the last few minutes, we’ve lost millions and millions of cells. But fortunately, we have stem cells, embryonic cells in our body that are replacing those cells.

If you didn’t have stem cells, you’d die because all your cells would be dying and you wouldn’t be able to replace them. But if you’re here alive, then you’ve got stem cells. Embryonic cells can become anything.

Here’s just a very quick view of where my whole world changed. I, as a medical school professor, as a teacher, was teaching medical students that genes control life because that was the curriculum at the time.

During my research I put one stem cell in a culture dish by itself. This is called cloning because that one cell will divide every 10 hours, 12 hours, etc. So every day, the number of cells double twice a day, so this is 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, boom, boom, boom. A week later, 30,000 cells in the petri dish. Most important fact: they all came from one parent, one cell. There’s 30,000 genetically identical cells.

I split them into three different petri dishes. So, all the dishes had genetically identical cells in them. But what was different was the culture medium. What is a culture medium? It’s the fluid in which we grow cells. What does it represent? Now, here comes the connector.

It’s the laboratory version of blood. Look at human blood, see what’s in it, make a culture medium, and then feed cells with it because that’s what cells live in. But I made it in the lab so I could change some of the combinations. I created three different versions of blood culture medium and I fed each of the plates with a different version.

In one dish, the cells formed muscle, in another dish they formed bone, and in a third dish, they formed fat cells. What controlled the fate? What controlled the cells to become muscle or bone? They all had the same genetics! And then all of a sudden, I realized, oh my God, it was the environment that the cells were in that determined the fate of the cells.

Why is it relevant? Because the genes didn’t have anything to do with decision-making. The cells were responding to the environment and adjusting genetics to respond to the environment.

What was the environment? The culture medium? I’m growing cells in a plastic petri dish, giving them artificial blood. As I said, under your skin you have 50 trillion cells. You’re a skin-covered petri dish. Fifty trillion cells are inside your dish right now.

Guess what? The original culture medium, blood, was what was controlling them. The chemistry of the blood culture medium controlled the fate. In my skin-covered dish, I had the same cells and I had the culture medium. What controlled the fate of my cells? Same as the cells in the plastic dish, the chemistry of your blood.

In the lab, I make that chemistry. But who makes the chemistry inside the skin dish? Your brain is the chemist. That’s the one controlling the chemistry. It’s mixing the chemicals making blood. But what chemicals should the brain put into the blood? And then all of a sudden, whatever picture you hold in your mind, the brain translates the picture into complementary chemistry, and that chemistry goes into the blood. So, the cells are adjusting the biology to what you perceive in your mind. You change your mind, you change your biology.

We know this as science when people talk about the placebo effect. When you’re sick, somebody gives you this brand-new medicine. It’s the best, most futuristic medicine in the world; it’s going to heal you. You get so excited. You take this pill, you get better, and then you find out the pill is a sugar pill, and then you’re left with a very important question. What the heck healed you? Not the sugar pill. The belief in the sugar pill, which was a positive thought. “The pill is going to heal me! I can see I’m going to get better!” And you take it and then it turns out to be sugar. It wasn’t the pill; it was your belief in being better that created health. That’s the placebo effect.

No one ever really emphasizes that negative thinking. The placebo is positive thinking. What about negative thinking? You damn well have to talk about it! It’s the most important insight for a reason, and that is this: As much as the positive thought creates a chemistry that enhances health, the complement of a negative thought is chemistry that compromises health. You can actually, through negative thoughts, create any illness just by having negative thoughts. You can die from the belief that you’re going to die.

It’s like a placebo, but in reverse. It’s the power of thought, positive or negative. It’s the thought that is the power, but negative thinking puts chemistry in the blood that compromises our growth and most importantly, the stress chemistry of negative thinking shuts down the immune system.

In the moment of the world, in the fear that you hear on the news every day of people dying, translate that picture into chemistry. The first thing that chemistry is going to do is shut off the immune system because stress shuts off the immune system.

Stress chemicals are given to patients that are going to receive a foreign organ transplant. Why? Because the stress chemicals shut down the immune system, so when the transplant is put into the recipient, that foreign tissue doesn’t cause an aggressive immune response. Immune response is now shot.

The point is simply this: When you have a stress image, the chemistry from the brain is going to put stress hormones into the system, which is then going to impair the function of your immune system and open you up to any illness. Whatever picture you have in your mind will manifest. And all of a sudden you see people being so afraid of being out of control. People are dying all over the place and they’re afraid they’re going to be one of those! By thinking that, you just took the first step to creating illness at that moment.

Every year there’s a flu. What’s flu? What’s different about a flu? The viruses that cause a flu, when they infect a cell, cannot grow at body temperature. The cells have to be cooler than body temperature. If they get too warm, the virus doesn’t grow. What does that mean? Wintertime is when we start to breathe in colder air and the air has to be warmed up before it goes to the lungs, otherwise, it would cause a problem.

As we breathe in colder air, body heat is used to warm it up, so by the time it gets into the lungs, it’s body temperature. But at the beginning of the track, the nose, the throat, the temperature in wintertime of those cells is a lot cooler than body temperature and that’s why they call it a cold. When the cold air is present, it allows the virus to grow. Every year, wintertime arrives, people know the flu is coming. Everybody knows there’s a time where we get sick, we cough, we sneeze, we do all that stuff. Everybody is used to that.

The viruses that come up every year are just modified versions to a previous year’s viruses. Why is that important? Because when we’ve had previous exposure, we build up a memory of those viruses. Even if it mutates and forms a new version, we still have a memory of part of that virus, so when it infects us, we have a handle right away to slow it down and prevent the symptoms from getting too far away. The virus that we’re experiencing right now, presumably hasn’t been in our population before. We don’t have any previous memory to slow down the symptoms so that with an infection with this virus, the symptoms go higher only because it takes the immune system a bit more time to bring it back down again.

Every year, flu. People die! But it’s not just people who are dying. There’s a group of people who are infected. The aged, the infirm, those who have compromised health. Nursing homes become the big target. Older people are in more desperate trouble than anybody else. People whose illnesses already exist and are compromising their immune system are even more compromised when the virus shows up. It’s the same group of people every year that die. About .1% of infected people and they’re the same people.

What about this virus? It’s going to be the same people, but a few more of them because it’s a little more aggressive than in a normal year. Most of the population will not be affected by the virus. They’ve identified that up to 50% of the population that is infected has no symptoms. If you have no symptoms, you’re not going to go to the doctor and say, “I have the flu.” [Laughs]

Then who goes to the doctor? Those people that are already pushed to the edge. Is this flu going to kill them because it’s more aggressive? No, for a reason. If you can get to the ventilators or antiviral medications, medicine can handle this, you don’t have to die. But who will die? The same people die every year anyway. Those are the ones.

I’d like to offer two different news broadcasts: the annual flu is coming. It’s more aggressive this year than it’s been before, so take care of yourself, take care of your health by eating natural, organic, healthy food. Take vitamins and supplements to support yourself and change your thinking process so you don’t fear.

Then another broadcast: The flu is here. The coronavirus is killing people. Could kill a million or over two million people. And so you’ve got to be very afraid and there’s all kinds of problems.

That second broadcast scares the hell out of me. The first broadcast is flu. Happens every year. The second broadcast is, “I’m going to die!” [Laughs]. Now, that’s called nocebo, which is negative thinking.

Are you afraid of the flu? Now you’ve just opened Pandora’s Box, baby. You just opened up the door. You said, “My immune system is weak. Got a virus out here anywhere?” Yeah.

It really comes down to this: Who are the people dying? The same cohorts of people that normally die and every now and then, one big article, a baby died from coronavirus. Of course, I don’t know what the pre-history of that baby was in the first place. But one baby died, and that was the news. Okay?

The big issue is we’re being scared to death and that’s a literal translation of the negative thinking that results from a fear over a virus that is not that lethal. As I said, even with severe respiratory issues, it’s controllable.

Just go back. We’re in it, so what are we going to do? Take care of your health. We talked about nutrition. Supplements, vitamins. Especially vitamin C, which enhances the immune system. And the more important one is to get the fear out of your life because the fear is the biggest problem of all. Okay?

But the death rate is so much higher! Here’s the interesting story about that: How do you determine death rate? The answer is, you look at the number of people who died and divide it by the number of confirmed cases and then you get a death rate. The percent of the people dying is normally .1%. What is it today? Three or 4%, man, 30, 40 times more! How is it so deadly? And here it is: The numbers are false. The numbers are false for this reason: they’re the number of dead divided by the number who have the virus. But what? Who went to the doctor? You probably already had the virus and you didn’t even go to the doctor? Why? Because if I have a simple flu, what the hell am I going

to go to the doctor for? And it turns out, up to 50% of the people who carry the virus have no symptoms. If you took the entire population infected by this virus and then divided it into the number of dead, it would be less than 1%.

Why is it relevant? Because that 3-4% is the scary number. If you bring it back down to the range of a little more aggressive than normal, then all of a sudden, the fear is not the same. And this is what people have to recognize. The story we are getting enhances a fear and the more fear you have, the greater your opportunity of getting sick.

I just want to get people to recognize, okay, yeah, you can get the flu and you’ve had it every year anyway, but if you take care of yourself, you will be okay. Taking care of yourself includes not just the physical physiological stuff, but this mental picture.

Thanks for giving me a little platform to talk about that, Kim, I appreciate it.

KIM: Oh, I love it and I agree 100% that the numbers appear skewed because only the people who are really ill are going in to get tested and the people with either no symptoms or mild symptoms, they’re not getting tested. If you actually had those numbers in the mix, you’d have a completely different scenario.

BRUCE: Completely.

KIM: Just for some perspective, I pulled some numbers from January 1st to March 25th of deaths, worldwide. It’s 21,000 by coronavirus, 113,000 by the seasonal flu, 228,000 from malaria, 250,000 from suicide, 313,000 from traffic fatalities, 390,000 from HIV/AIDS, 580,000 from alcohol, 1,162,000 from smoking, two million from cancer, 2,300,000 from hunger. If only we had the same amount of care and compassion and concern for all of these other causes. But what I’m more concerned about is the amount of freedoms that are being threatened and taken away from people under the Trojan horse of coronavirus, rather than the actual fear of coronavirus.

BRUCE: Absolutely. It’s very hard because isolation is a good idea. It’s not that it’s going to change the number of people getting sick. What it’s going to do is change the progression of the people getting sick. In a normal flu year, people get sick and go to the doctor and some die. But so few people go to the doctor because when we call it a normal flu, nobody shows up if they’ve got a sneezy thing going. But if we allow the number of people to get infected to increase more and more and more by day, then there’s a bigger demand on the medical system, which is totally unprepared to deal with the problem.

The isolation isn’t because I want to isolate because I’m afraid. The isolation is because maybe I’ll contaminate somebody else and I don’t want to put an over-demand on a system that can’t handle it. It’s not that I’m afraid of death or anything. I’m just thinking, if I can help keep that number from jumping so high that it overwhelms the system, then I’m going to contribute to it. That’s my job.

I’m not afraid of anything about this at all. I have no fear. It’s really the fear that is propagated day by day because people have a morbid curiosity. Oh my God! More people died today!

As you just said, and the numbers are so critical, we have no consciousness of the things that are killing people so fast, it’s unbelievable. I forgot how many tens of thousands of children die every day from malnutrition on this planet. Does anybody care? Thousands of times more people dying from malnutrition and nobody gives a damn. You’re putting a focus on something that is overtaking you when it is nothing compared to what’s going on in the other realms of health.

KIM: Yep, agreed. We were talking about the impact of fear and how it depresses the system, it suppresses the immune system. And then the opposite of that is love. And so, when we talk about the heart and the power of the heart—this is something that you’ve talked about as well, that there’s the gut brain, the heart brain, the mind brain. [Laughs] Which one is the second and the third? I get confused.

BRUCE: There’s intelligence to the heart.

KIM: Yes, there’s an intelligence in the heart. You talk about how in the new version of health care, we realize that the thoughts, the spirit, and the heart play such a big role. I’d like you to talk more about the heart and the resonance, the intelligence of the heart. What does it mean? How do we cultivate an open heart? Because presumably, that’s the state the heart needs to be in to function as this powerful system.

BRUCE: Well, the first thing is to recognize the heart has been talking to you all the time, whether you’ve listened to it or not. It’s always talking to you. We interpret our world with our brain, through the senses that come in.

Basically, these are experiences and then we make a pattern of life based on those experiences coming in. This becomes important for the simple reason that the knowledge that’s coming in could be false. It could be true. But if you just buy it, there is no false or true. That’s just knowledge.

Let me use an analogy I like: Most of us have taken a course in algebra. You get a very large equation and the idea is to reduce the equation to a small size where you cancel things out and balance things, blah, blah, blah. At the top of the page, you have the very large equation and then you reduce it one step and it gets a little smaller. Then the next part down, reduce it another step. And by the time you get to the bottom of the page, you’ve reduced it a number of different steps to the smallest one.

Did you get the answer right? And the answer is: Well, a lot of the time, but sometimes you got it wrong. How’d you get it wrong? If you made one interpretational error in any of the, let’s say six steps, the answer is wrong at the bottom of the page. That’s it.

When we try to use our consciousness to interpret what we should do, where we should be, who we should be with, what’s going on, we go through our mental checklist. It’s the same as reducing the equation and getting to the conclusion.

But one error in an interpretation, the equation is gone. It doesn’t work anymore. That’s if you use consciousness to read the world.

The heart reads the world, but in a different fashion. It doesn’t see objects and things like that. What the heart sees is vibrational energy in response to vibration. Quantum physics reveals there is no such thing as matter; everything is vibration. So the heart is reading the reality of an energy field.

It’s like ripples on a pond. When the ripples are coming together, they engage with each other. There’s two extremes of energy coming together. When the ripples are in harmony and they’re both going up and down and they come together, they enhance each other. Two low-powered waves where they meet, the energy of each wave adds up so that the composite is a higher vibe.

What if one wave is going up and the other wave is going down? And when this one is going down, the other one is going up? They’re out of phase or not in harmony.

When those two waves come together, what happens? They don’t add up, but they cancel each other out. This is where the energy disappears. I can bring two energies together that enhance each other, or I can bring two other energies that are together that cancel each other. When the energies come together, it’s called interference. And when they come together and they add up, it’s called constructive interference. When two energies come together and they cancel each other out, that’s destructive interference.

Let me simplify it now because this is the point: We experience this in our life. The heart reads the energy fields. When energy is in harmony with us, constructive interference, then we amplify our energy and it’s called good vibes. When it’s in our presence, we feel better than when it’s not, so this is a good vibe. Life is energy. More energy, more life. That’s a simple fact.

If two energies come together and they enhance each other, they give us more life. It’s called good vibes. Constructive interference.

But there are vibes out there that will cancel your vibes, and these are called bad vibes. With those, you lose energy. If you’ve been in a situation where you’re seemingly out of control, you don’t know where you are, it’s a scary place or whatever, you can feel all of a sudden, the loss of energy in your body. It’s called bad vibes. It’s a warning. If energy is life, what are bad vibes? Death. Good vibes are life, bad vibes, death.

Why is it relevant? Because throughout history, we have been programmed to use our conscious mind to interpret the world in which we live, but that’s based on interpretation. Someone could teach me a fact that was wrong. If I use it as a correct fact, and put it in the equation, my equation is gone.

That’s how we were programmed. But in the very beginning, we could feel things. And then we were programmed not to go by the feelings, go by what a person says. There’s a problem. Why? Because let’s just say you’re using a person in this case. It could be anything. It could be a plant, a person, an animal. I don’t care what it is; it’s something in your field. You want that entity in your field because it gives you power.

If that entity in the field has a very negative energy, you can feel that energy and it’s sort of telling you, don’t go there. Okay. But then we’re programmed not to go by that energy, but to go by the program, the consciousness. And then you stop looking at the world through the best interpretation, which is the energy.

The vibes are information. Good vibes are vibes that your body is telling you, “This enhances life. I have more energy. I’m more alive.”

Things that give you good vibes are really things that are in harmony with you and then in contrast, when something in your presence takes away that energy, it’s bad vibes. It’s a warning that this is taking energy out of your life, since life is energy. Taking energy out? You’re going the wrong way.

Say there’s a person who has bad vibes and you think, “I’m not going to listen to the vibes. I’m going to listen to what this person is saying.” You just messed up the system because the true person was the vibe. The words are any damn thing that person makes up. Not paying attention to the vibes is the biggest mistake that we learn as kids. Use it or lose it. If we were more sensitive to using that system, we would find that we wouldn’t be in the wrong places. We would always be finding a place where we’re supposed to be because we read the vibe.

Picture a snail. It comes out of an egg. There’s no mother, there’s no father. It’s thrown into the world. How does this snail know where to go and what to do? Nobody taught it. There wasn’t anything. It has one gauge on its dashboard, the energy gauge.

When it’s going toward life and going to the right place or in the presence of a plant that enhances that energy, the snail will eat that plant.

But if the snail starts moving somewhere and the energy starts to go down, the snail will immediately turn around and go, “That’s the wrong direction. I’ve got to go this way.”

Every organism from bacteria to humans, the primary communication is to read the vibrations. When we defer and don’t read them, we’ve lost our path. Therefore, it’s really time for us to come back and start to recognize that energy, which is read by the heart, the compass that should tell us if we’re in the right place or the wrong place.

The big message in the end is we have to stop coming from our head and start using the information provided by our heart because it’s just going to read the energy. It’s not going to talk about the details. It says, is this energy good or bad? It’s either more energy or less energy. Which one?

And if we use that as a compass, we end up being in the right place. And in relationships, this is really critical because if you’re judging by what people say, and you don’t judge by the energy you feel, there’s a problem in this relationship.

KIM: Right. Let’s segue into relationships then, intimate relationships, and talk about the honeymoon effect. There’s a similarity. I think you can go into this from the more biological, scientific perspective, but I’ve seen in my work that people can have lifelong passion and connection and it doesn’t just have to die off after this obligatory two-year period. “Nature is such a trickster and tricks you into falling in love so you can get together but then it’s all downhill from there.”

That seems to be put forward as this scientific fact. No. Yes, there’s an initial phase of courtship and I love the way that you phrase it. There’s conscious attention that we put forward and if we simply maintain that conscious attention throughout the course of the relationship, we can continue to be in this transcendent, really epic, beautiful state with each other.

I’d love to hear you talk about that and what you see as the way for people to maintain that state of the honeymoon effect.

BRUCE: First of all, I never believed in the honeymoon. For the first 40 years of my life, I thought that was some Hollywood gimmick thing. I kept trying and it wasn’t working, so I kept saying, it can’t be real. But with the knowledge I gained from the cells in understanding how consciousness is shaping the behavior and genetics of the cell, I started to recognize there are two levels of mind. When we say the mind controls us, yeah, that’s a fact. But when you say the mind, it sounds like there’s this one thing called the mind and that’s making all the control. The problem is, there are two minds. We put them together and they function as one, but they’re two separate entities. And each mind has a different way of functioning and a different way of learning. If you don’t understand that these are two working-together minds, then you’re completely lost.

There are two levels of minds. There’s the mind that comes from the brain of the conscious mind. And the conscious mind is connected to our spirituality, our uniqueness, our identity. It’s part of what is called a prefrontal cortex. Right behind your forehead, a lobe of brain that’s new in evolution, and the one that connects us to source.

Each of us has a different conscious mind. But there’s another mind that was there before this conscious mind evolved. There was a brain and an organism that didn’t have the kind of consciousness we have. What we’d call subconscious.

It’s an automatic device. It basically adjusts the heart rate, the breathing rate, the body temperature. It takes care of us without thinking, but it learns from experiences like the Pavlov story of ringing a bell and then shocking the dog. The dog begins to learn, what’s the experience? Holy crap, the bell just rang; I’m going to get a shock!

You don’t even have to give the shock; you just ring the bell and the mind already goes through the program: I’m getting shocked. That’s how it works.

The mind, in the subconscious, learns programs. Just like a computer, it’s got programs in it. What’s really interesting is, the things that we do, that we repeat over and over again, programs are really cool, so you don’t have to relearn them. When did we learn how to walk? This is the subconscious program. It was before age two when I learned how to walk and I’m still walking. I didn’t have to relearn again. That’s really great because if you had to wake up every day and learn how to walk, you’d never get anywhere.

The subconscious is good when the programs that are helping us are good. But what if a program is negative? That’s unfortunate because that’s the program. If it’s positive or negative, the nature of the program, the character of your life is positive or negative based on that program.

Say you buy a brand-new computer. You get it home from the store and it has an on button. You push on and it boots. It’s ready. Now, do something. Make a drawing, write an essay, do something. No, you can’t do it. Why not? You don’t have any programs. Oh! The computer with an operating system is not useful unless there’s a program to operate.

A child during its development, the first part of the brain that develops is the subconscious, the programming part. And when a child is in the last trimester of pregnancy, the operating system is ready, but now it needs programs. Between the last trimester of pregnancy and age seven, the brain is operating at a vibrational frequency lower than consciousness. To see vibrational frequency, we put wires on a person’s head. It’s called an electroencephalograph. It reads brain function. There are different levels of vibration in that function and the lower level is called theta, which a child is in predominantly through age seven.

Theta is imagination and character, so that’s why kids under age seven can have imaginary playtime. They can have a tea party and they pour nothing into the cup, and they drink it and they talk about how that nothing is the most wonderful tea they ever had. They ride a broom; it’s a horse. This is theta. But theta is hypnosis. Why is that important?

Because think of this: If I had to write a book, how many rules are required to become a functional member of a family and a community? You have to have rules and there are so many. Do you say, “Here’s a book. Go study this and then you’ll be ready to be a member of the family”? No.

How does a child learn? The answer is the first seven years in theta is hypnosis. Children learn behavior by observing the behavior of others and downloading that behavior.

The fundamental programs in our subconscious mind did not come from us. They came from observing mother, father, family, community, and downloading. These are fundamental programs. Bad part of the story is there was no conscious mind to filter the program, saying, “That’s a good program, that’s a bad program.” With no filtering, you get good programs, you get bad programs. Yeah, I learned how to walk because that was a damn good program. Glad I did it. But I also learned how to make a relationship. How? I watched my mother and father and downloaded them. If you had a better belief filter, you wouldn’t have kept that limiting program.

Okay, some programs are good, some programs are bad. By age seven, we begin to become operators, so we can run the program. I can make the spreadsheet, draw the drawing, write the essay. I can use the program for what I want. But I’m also using the program that I got. My behavior is in some way controlled by this program.

But the conscious mind is free to think, “I can change that program. I can do what I want.” Yeah, you can.

Now comes the problem. I have free choice, conscious mind, programmed subconscious mind. And this is the crux of the entire problem: When I am thinking, my conscious mind is preoccupied with a thought. But thoughts are not outside. Thoughts are inside. Every time I’m thinking, my attention to outside goes away. I’m not paying attention because I’m focusing on inside. What’s going on in my head? If I’m driving my car and I have a thought, does that mean I’ve lost control of the car? Subconscious is autopilot. The moment thinking occurs, whatever you were doing, walking, talking, driving the car, things that you know how to do, subconscious just gets in behind to see it. “I’m autopilot. I take over.”

The conscious mind is you and has your wishes and desires. That’s conscious. When conscious is controlling, you go. You’re driving toward wishes and desires.

When subconscious is controlling, you’re driving toward the program. If the programs were all good, that would be really great, but since about 70% or so are believed to be disempowering and self-sabotaging and limiting beliefs, 70% of the programs, when you get in subconscious, are not going to support you.

How much of life is controlled by wishes and desires? Conscious? And how much is controlled by the programmed subconscious mind? Only 5% of our life is coming from wishes and desires because 95% of the day we are thinking.

What does that mean? The moment you’re thinking, you’re not paying attention. When we’re not paying attention, our lives are not controlled by wishes and desires, but by programs that we got from whom? Mother, father, siblings.

Average, everyday life for us: 5% moving toward wishes and desires. 95% playing programs. When we’re playing a negative program, do we see it? No, because where’s your attention? It’s looking inside, so whatever the hell is coming out in your program, you’re not seeing it but everybody else does.

Kim, this is the same story I’ve told for 30 years, so I’m going to repeat it because I haven’t found a better one: You have a friend. You know your friend’s behavior very well and you know your friend’s parent. And one day you see your friend has the exact same behavior as the parent, so you tell your friend, “Hey, Bill, you’re just like your dad!” Bill immediately goes ballistic. “How the hell can you compare me to my dad? I’m nothing like my dad.”

Half the audience is already laughing because they’ve already had this experience. That’s the most profound story in the world for this reason: Everybody else can see that Bill behaves like his dad because 95% of the time, he’s playing those programs. The one who can’t see it is Bill. Why can’t Bill see it? Well, where’s Bill’s attention when he’s playing the programs? Inward. Bill is the only one that doesn’t see the program. Everybody else is exposed to the program. If he had bad programming, his life, when he’s not paying attention, is an expression of bad behavior.

Here comes the punch line: We are all Bill. Every one of us. Most of the day we’re not operating, doing behavior that takes us to where we want to go, we’re doing behavior that we’ve been programmed to do and if it’s negative, like Bill, we only see the result. You say, “Life isn’t working. I don’t know why.” What do you mean you don’t know why? Because when you were playing those negative behaviors, you didn’t see it, so you have no reason to understand why it didn’t work. All you see is the result.

So what’s the consequence? We struggle through life with great wishes and desires, failing in them because we don’t see them? Guess what our consciousness says? “That person is responsible. I wanted to be successful, so it must have been them.” No. You didn’t see it. You sabotaged yourself. We’re creating. This is what quantum physics said right away: Consciousness is creating this, but you didn’t see it.

What’s the story with the honeymoon? Take it from a guy who had no wonderful programming about relationships: I struggled for years until I took the message of the cells and started to recognize that the behavior of my biology was controlled by my thoughts, which were changing into chemistry, which was controlling my biology. If I wanted to change my life, I had to change my thoughts. I started to become aware of those thoughts. Then all of a sudden, I said, “Yeah, but people all of a sudden sometimes find themselves in a honeymoon.” What’s a honeymoon? Heaven on earth. Wishes and desires made manifest, joy, everything, beautiful, love, God, his blessing.

Your life could suck every day and then you meet somebody 24 hours later. Heaven on earth. What the heck happened in 24 hours?

The answer is so profoundly important and simple: It is recognized by science that when we fall in love like that, we stop thinking. We become mindful, meaning staying in the present moment. You’ve been looking for this partner your entire life, they show up—is this a time to think and not pay attention to what’s going on? Of course not.

When we’re thrust in that position of, “This is what I was looking for,” the thinking stops, the living begins. And this is called the honeymoon because you’re living your experience. How come it doesn’t last? Because no matter how much love and mindfulness you’re in, today’s world is such a busy place that inevitably, we have to start thinking about chores and responsibilities. What happens when you’re thinking? The behavior that you’re generating with your wishes and desires, conscious mind, gives rise to an opportunity to play the behavior you got from your family, and you don’t see it.

My partner, Margaret and I, are deep in the honeymoon. We’re loving each other; everything is fabulous. And I happen to be thinking about, “I’ve got to go to the school, and I’ve got to do the lecture.” Margaret comes in and asks me some very simple question and, at that moment, I’m not operating from me. I play my father’s program, which I don’t see. Like Bill, I just play it, and it’s, “Blah, blah, blah!” And she looks at me with, I love it, the usual phrase is, “Who are you? Where did that come from?”

Where was I coming from? Where was my conscious mind at that moment? My conscious mind wasn’t paying attention to the present moment. It was thinking about what I had to do. Then the behavior that came out didn’t come from my conscious mind; it came from my subconscious. But if Margaret asks me, “What kind of behavior is that?” I’m consciously thinking, what is she talking about? Because I didn’t even see what I just did. It was an automatic program.

Why is it relevant? Because that automatic programming is obviously not something I’m proud of or want to have in my life, but she has to live with it. We’ve had a relationship and all of a sudden for the first time, a compromise comes in: sometimes Bruce is an idiot. I compromise when he’s an idiot, okay.

But that’s the first time. The next time she catches me in a different behavior that comes out, ooh, that’s another behavior that’s not that good. But we’re still having a great time, so let’s just stay in a relationship. But every time one of these behaviors starts showing up from the past, it puts Margaret in a situation of, do you want to live with that behavior? And I’m saying, “I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about,” because these behaviors come out unconsciously.

There’s a point where a relationship that was so beautiful and so heaven on earth ends up being crap and the whole thing falls apart. You ask, “What the hell happened in this great honeymoon?” You created the honeymoon with wishes and desires and you lost the honeymoon with programs that you can’t see.

It wasn’t outside stuff; it was inside stuff. You were causing your own creation by using a program that wasn’t supporting you. All of a sudden, the honeymoon disappeared.

Does that mean we’re all doomed? [Laughs] Well, if you don’t change the programming, it doesn’t bode well, but you can change the programming. The conclusion is simple. If I took all the programs that are negative in my life and rewrote them in a positive fashion, what would the result be? Whether I’m using my conscious creative mind or using my subconscious with its creative wishes and desires, my life would be exactly the same. I can have a honeymoon every day of the year whether I’m even paying attention or not. Why? Because if I go to my automatic and I get programs of love and harmony and juicy, then even when I’m not paying attention, I’m still here in that world. That is the destination because the reality is, we came to this world not to suffer, not to struggle; we came to a garden and we’re supposed to be enjoying the garden, and yet the programs have consistently disempowered us and thrown monkey wrenches in it.

To men, this is a very important part. It’s interesting, from a boy’s perspective. You can see women, how sensitive they are, and they have emotions and they have this great bonding and all this kind of stuff. And then in guys, we don’t have the same thing. Why not? As a boy, growing up, what did I learn as part of the program? To be insensitive. The old thing was somebody would hit you on the shoulder and hit you with a fist. “Ah, you flinched! You were sensitive!” Yeah, if you expressed any sensitivity, you were a pussy.

What did we learn as men? As programming in culture? Not to be sensitive. Why did we learn that? The powers that be understood the programming: How can I send you to war if you’re sensitive? If you’re sensitive, I can’t give you a gun and ask you to kill somebody. You’d look at me like in horror. What do you mean kill somebody? But now we’re programmed. No sensitivity. I can go out there and kill that person right now, if you want me to.

Men have been desensitized to the relationship that women are allowed to express. And then when women and men try to come together, women are left with, “That man is so insensitive.” It’s not his intention. Ninety-five percent of the day he’s playing a damn program. And if he can learn about that program, there’s an opportunity to change it.

How do you learn about it? Not through arguments. And that’s unfortunately how these programs manifest in relationship. They end up creating an argument. Then there’s the vision and all the other stuff that falls out from argument.

What would be different if I had a way about it? The answer is something like Margaret and I practice. If I come up with one of my stupid programs that isn’t encouraging the relationship, it doesn’t turn into an argument, it turns into, “Do you really want to do that?” What? “Well, you didn’t see what you just did? Oh, let me explain it to you.” And all of a sudden, I don’t want that behavior. Now I have an option to understand what I need to change and then I can go about changing it.

When old programs show up, in the right environment, you can use that as information so you can rewrite the program. In the wrong environment, it’ll turn into an argument, separation, heat, fire, boom, explosion, and all that.

Really, what we have to understand is, we operate from programs 95% of the time and if we understand this and adjust the programs, then heaven on earth does not have to be 5%. Heaven on earth can be 100% of your daily life on this planet. I’m very honored to have a partner like Margaret. Together we worked on things on changing this so that we’ve had a honeymoon every day for 22, 23 years now. Why? Because those negative programs that would’ve come up have all been rewritten or most of them have. We haven’t had a fight in years. I have no idea what that’s about anymore. It really throws a monkey wrench in make-up sex because if you don’t have an argument, what the hell are you going to do? [Laughs]

The issue is really profoundly important and what you’re trying to do in your work, Kim, is redirect consciousness. Because when you redirect it and know who you are and why you’re here—you came here to experience heaven on earth. You’ve been programmed by the powers that be that can make men go kill each other with a gun without any consciousness or sensitivity to that reality.

Then the women are left high and dry. Why? Because the men have been programmed to be louts. [Laughs] And now the conversation is not together; the conversation is missing. And because it’s so emotional and sensitive, if it’s not done right, it is more likely to explode than to heal. This is what we have.

If you’re in a relationship with somebody, you’re in a relationship with two individuals. The one who they really want to be in their conscious mind. The one that has the idea of love and wishes and desires and heaven on earth. Or, the program one that they got from wherever they came from. Unfortunately, it’s not balance; it’s 95% program, so that most people are living lives that they have no idea what the hell they’re doing. All they see is the result.

I’m not a religious person, so I’m not bringing this on a basis of religion, but I’m bringing it on the basis of a profoundly important statement. Apparently, the last thing Jesus said on that cross was, “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.” That applies to everything.

Those people around us who are acting like crapheads [laughs]—those people are around us and we only stick with what they’re presenting. That’s not the real person. The real person is underneath that, covered up by a program. If we don’t mix them up with the program, if we separate their spiritual self from the program they’re playing, we can forgive their spiritual selves. We’re not necessarily going to forgive the program. If they want to continue the same program, no, we don’t have to stay there. That’s our choice.

But the reality is, it’s not them; it’s the damn program. This is the lesson. If relationships could just use those words, “Forgive them, they know not what they do,” then this divorce rate of over 50% would virtually disappear because people meet each other on who they really wanted to be before they revert back to who they’ve been programmed to be.

If we could be what we want to be, then the whole damn thing would resolve itself instantly.

KIM: I think what you’re talking about is the crux of my work, which is conscious relationships. We all have, whatever you want to call it—it can even be karma and the conditioning that we absorb growing up, the programming, as you say—trauma that’s happened to us, and the work is to try to piece through that. The only way, in my view, that a couple can make it through to the other side, is to both be on the same page and have the same commitment.

BRUCE: Exactly.

KIM: Yes, I know that you have a subconscious. Yes, I know that you have programming. Yes, I know that you have trauma. When we see it, we’re both going to help each other compassionately, lovingly, to call it out, bring it to the surface, bring it to the conscious mind, and then work through it and resolve it. But that’s a conscious relationship. That’s not what most people have. Most people are reacting and frustrated and then they rationalize and buy into this story that after a certain amount of time, relationships just plummet and that’s just the way it is. Because that’s what they’ve been modeled, and they don’t have an alternative story.

BRUCE: No. And you got into the relationship based on a whole different scenario than the one you ended up with because the relationship context was spirit to spirit and then it became subconscious to subconscious and then that’s a different game at that point.

KIM: Yeah.

BRUCE: We’re not the subconscious, but people don’t recognize the difference between us and the subconscious.

KIM: Yeah. Let’s round up this talk with one of my absolute favorite concepts of yours, which is the idea of protection versus growth. The very first presentation I ever saw of yours was back in 2004. I remember scribbling this on a piece of paper because I just thought it was so brilliant, such a beautiful microcosm, where you showed on a cellular level that a cell can either be in protection or in growth. It can’t be both simultaneously. I thought, Wow, what an incredible metaphor for relationships. If we’re living in a defended place, in an argumentative place, in a combative place, we can never really grow together.

What are your thoughts on that?

BRUCE: We have a built-in system called the biological imperative, which is the drive to survive. Every organism, from bacteria up to humans has this imperative. Biology doesn’t know where it is, but it’s built into life. The most primitive organism, a bacterium, if you try and kill it, it’s not going to say, “Okay, kill me.” Even a bacterium will do everything to stay alive. There’s a drive.

Survival recognizes how we fit into the world. Are we part of the good team or the bad team? Are we an asset or a problem? Our survival is based on how we fit in. If we start to be compromised in the sense of who we think we are, that’s a threat to our survival.

When we encounter a threat, the first thing to do is get in protection. It started off as growth and protection. These are in response to the stimuli in the world. If there’s a positive stimulus out there which enhances your vitality and your growth, you will go to that stimulus with open arms, take it in, assimilate it, whether it’s love or nutrition, whatever it is that can enhance your vitality and viability. That’s growth.

But if that stimulus is in any way a threat, you don’t go to the stimulus; you go away and you close yourself down. That’s called protection. Growth is grow to the stimulus; protection is to go away from the stimulus. Growth is being open to assimilate the stimulus; protection is being closed to prevent it. You can’t be open and closed at the same time. You can’t move forwards and backwards at the same time.

At any moment, our life is based on whether we perceive ourselves in growth or we perceive ourselves in protection.

The problem about that in relationships is, when you get into an argument and you get attacked because of a behavior you didn’t even see you had, that’s the other part—you didn’t even see it, but you’ve just been attacked. “Oh my God, I am being threatened.” An attack means we’re not suitable, We’re not worthy. If you’re in an argument, your perception of the other person is that you don’t fit, you’re wrong. And the idea is, what will that do? Allow you to open up and say, okay, take this stimulus in? No. Conventional wisdom is to close yourself down, wall yourself off, and separate from the situation.

When we are in a relationship and we’re operating from those very negative programs and our partner responds to that negative program, we don’t see the program. We feel attacked and like we have to protect ourselves. How? “I don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re wrong!” Whatever it is, you’re going to defend yourself as best you can. You don’t even know what you’re defending against because the behavior you just did, you can’t see it yourself, so there’s a problem right there.

Relationships are very much dependent on moment to moment, growth versus protection. Growth is when we’re in love and we’re expressing the harmony and the joy of being together and that is growth beyond anything. That’s the good vibes of love.

A relationship grows when two individuals come together in harmony, supporting each other to enhance the vitality of this system. Relationships fall apart when a protection response is called for when one is attacking another. It’s not a physical attack; it’s a mental attack. “That wasn’t right! You were wrong! That was bad behavior!” It’s like now I have to protect myself because you’re challenging who I am and all of a sudden, that argument is not bringing people together. That argument is immediate separation at that point.

In the early days when Margaret and I were really trying to work out this understanding, we would have some arguments in the beginning, because our programs weren’t totally compatible at that time. Margaret was so cool because in one of these arguments when we’d blow out and separate from each other, she would go in the bathroom and look in the mirror and just get true to herself. She’d say, “Do you want to be in love or not?” And then all of a sudden, she’d say, “Yeah, I want to be in love.” Then the argument wasn’t worth it, and she would come back. I’d be in my boy state, because boys are generally, we get into that, we don’t talk. Girls get into it; they want to talk. That’s a problem right there. I don’t want to hear it and she wants to tell me and stuff like that.

But then it got to the point where all she said was, “Let me just sit next to you. Let me put your hand on your knee,” or something. Just nothing more. Just sit still and not put the problem in any bigger perspective at that moment. Which gave me the time to calm down so we could be close together again.

It takes at least one of the people in the couple to make a move and it was really wonderful because she didn’t try to change me. She just said, “Look, let’s just stay connected.” And that was a physical connection. And as long as we stayed connected, the relationship was still present. That was a really important action on her part to help me get through my programming and my inability to communicate because at the end of all that, I would actually say, “Thank you, Margaret, for holding onto this thing and thank you for your patience. I will come around. It starts out this way. I separate. I need this too. I’ll come around, so, thank you for your patience with me.”

Inevitably, those periods became less and less, and the period of time got shorter and shorter until the beautiful part is, there’s no make-up sex in my life at this moment. [Laughs]

KIM: [Laughs] Fantastic. All right, is there anything else that you would like to add, especially in the realm of intimacy and relationships?

BRUCE: Absolutely. Because as I said, the chemistry of the blood determines the genetics and the behavior of the system. That’s what the cloning experiment said. What’s the difference between being in love and not being in love? When you’re in love, you have a lot of oxytocin, which by definition is bonding chemicals. We want to be in love because we’re bonding, and this is really great. When we’re out of love, that chemical stops really coming around and now the relationship is a little more fractured and frazzled than before.

Being in love releases dopamine, which is pleasure. Of course, we’re here on this planet, not to hurt, but to be in pleasure, to enjoy the garden.

Love puts that into it; love puts in the oxytocin. Love puts in growth hormone. What’s growth hormone? Exactly what its name is. This hormone enhances your growth. When you’re in love, the chemistry of your blood with the growth hormone in it is promoting the vitality of life. All of a sudden it says, yeah, instead of just being friends with each other, love on an intimate level is perhaps the best medicine.

There’s a pharmacy in there, and love is a prescription for health and vitality. When I talk about love and the honeymoon effect, of course I use people and relationships as a foundation because that’s how most people experience it. But love is a lot more than relationship with people. If you’re a gardener, that’s a lot of love to put your hands in the dirt and create life. Or you’re a chef and you’re cooking food with the love and joy that you’re putting into that.

Whatever it is that gives you that love is the break from living in a program. The moment you’re in that love, whether you’re cooking or making love with a partner, you are not on the negative program. You’re enhancing yourself with the inherent pharmaceuticals of your own brain.

The prescription is very simple: Be in love. [Laughs] And then healing will come across this entire world.

KIM: I love it. That’s the best prescription ever. Thank you so much! I’ve loved absorbing and hearing all of your wisdom and information, it’s wonderful. Thank you for being here.

BRUCE: I so appreciate it because you’re essentially, if you think about it, the pharmacist, aren’t you? You’re helping people with their prescriptions.

KIM: I like to think of myself as the best doctor ever. I give people their prescriptions for everything from sexual techniques, go home and have more sex, go home and have this kind of sex, go home and talk to each other and then facilitate having more intimacy and sex. Yes, I like to say that I’m the drug dealer, but in the most positive way.

BRUCE: Very positive. There’s no vision of coronavirus when you’re having good sex. [Laughs]

KIM: [Laughs] I talk about the immunity of not just our biology, but when we’re really in that place of deep love and connection and intimacy. Because the sexual connection creates an even deeper level of intimacy and openness, which is the growth state you’re talking about, and then we’re even more immune. We’re immune to germs and diseases, but also to additional programming. I think we’re more immune to our own subconscious programming. We’re recreating anew and from the conscious mind more and more and from other people’s opinions and ideas and thoughts and news media stuff; we’re immune to all of these things. We create this beautiful cocoon, this radiance that attracts goodness and repels negativity.

BRUCE: I agree 100% with that one. That’s a beautiful mission!

KIM: [Laughs] Fabulous.

BRUCE: Thank you.


There you have it.

I am indeed the BEST doctor with the BEST medicine in the world.

I agree with Lipton that we need to clear our subconscious programming that blocks us from experiencing our true potential.

As I’ve said, this extends from family and cultural programming and also into traumatic experiences that we have.

All of these things layer over and obscure a person—and a relationship’s—true potential.

And this is where the idea of “conscious relationships” comes in.

Where two people have the commitment to growth and evolution, together.

They realize that each has unconscious blocks and patterns.

And they work on them as they come up, practicing not taking it personally or being offended, but instead, using these as opportunities to heal and resolve what has lain in storage for years, decades or even lifetimes.

We do it together.

And there is no greater alchemizing agent than The Holy Fuck.

When we bring our conscious attention, love, sexual energy and openness to the table.

Or the bed.

Or the kitchen counter.

We move through issues at light speed.

Quantum speed.

We dissolve them and transform into the highest versions of ourselves.

Leaving behind our wounds and the dross and the defences of the little self.

We open into love.

We live in flow.

And we become immune to all but our own and a divinely channeled truth.

This is the power of The Holy Fuck.

My Coming Together for Couples online salon is a spiritual and sexual guide for the new millennium. This is your ultimate guide to consciously coming together.

We explore all things block clearing, subconscious programming and reprogramming, communication, full-body orgasms, energy orgasms, vaginal orgasms, prostate orgasms and how to navigate masculine and feminine energies to create the most epic chemistry in your lives, even when it’s been long gone.

You can check out my free video series for Coming Together at my website at:

kimanami.com under Sexual Savant Salons and then Coming Together.

I have a three-part video series you can watch with homeplay exercises you can try tonight!

The Coming Together salon itself, my 10-week online course for lovers, opens for registration in mid-April.

Are you coming????

Feeling Insatiable?

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6 thoughts on “Quantum Love and Healing with Dr. Bruce Lipton

  1. One of my favorite podcasts! I believe that science and spirituality should agree and be compatible under all circumstances, so I love it when people like Dr. Lipton share information that helps bridge that gap. Amazing!

    1. Yes, totally! It’s more a comment on faulty and outdated science that makes these things incompatible, when they are. Advanced, quantum theory ideas are all compatible with spiritual concepts.

  2. Thank you for the great podcast. I definitely agree with you on it being possible to have life-long passion and intimacy in a relationship, as long as you manage to find a partner who is on the same page! Something I have learnt is that it doesn’t matter how much you love and care for someone, you both have to want to work on your programmes (or be open to ‘seeing’ them), the relationship and the initimacy, ongoing. I’ve just come out of a very long term relationship, where there was great love but very destructive programmes that they couldn’t see (maybe weren’t ready to work on) and therefore we couldn’t work through them together. I was doing a lot of work on my own programmes and beliefs with practitioners but nothing was being looked at from their side, which meant it could never be healthy, nor could I ever have that beautiful conscious relationship and intimacy that I strongly believe is out there. Thank you for the great content and here’s to that incredible conscious and loving relationship coming along! <3 X

    1. Yes, conscious relationships are about both people participating and committed to growth and evolution. Or else it just doesn’t work: grow or die! The beautiful thing is, that when we truly uplevel and raise our vibration, we’ll attract someone on the same plane as us.

  3. oh fabulous! i am part of a book study, about 6 months ago the book we chose was dr. lipton’s biology of belief. (if you haven’t read it, do!) this was excellent info expounding on what i have already learned, read, researched, and experienced in my life. now to get my “other half” to listen to this with me… looking forward to the next one.

    1. Yes, I’ve been following his work for a long time. He’s great! We need more brave people like him who are willing to speak the truth, even when the dominant narrative and supposed “facts” are completely wrong.