HRT: Should You Take It?
This is a question I get asked ALL THE TIME.
In the allopathic world, the dominant narrative for decades has been that women MUST be hormonally medicated from puberty until death.
Women are now waking up to the idea that *maybe* this isn’t true.
Maybe women’s bodies were actually built—you know, by nature—to survive without the constant, lifelong ingesting of drugs.
More and more women have realized THE FACT that hormonal birth control is dangerous and deadly.
Even the WHO-re says so.
They classify it as a Group 1 carcinogen and have for decades.
So why do allopathic doctors continue to prescribe such a deadly drug?
I have no idea.
But I can only assume it has something to do with the fact that they are all part of the MLM pyramid scheme of pharmaceuticals.
Meaning, most of their income is derived from convincing patients that they need drugs.
Women have realized that the effects of infertility, cancer and death just aren’t worth the convenience of having taking a hormone blocker that prevents them from getting pregnant.
Especially when the most effective birth control method in the world is free.
Check out my podcast episode Reproductive Rights on the Line? for more on this. Season 6 Episode 30.
And then we come to the menopause topic.
Somehow, here, the idea that women’s bodies are NOT inherently flawed is a harder sell.
Women seem MUCH more gullible and open to the sales pitch that their bodies are impossibly f**ked up and forever must they take a shitload of drugs to even feel remotely good.
I am going to make a definitive statement here:
Menopause is a scam.
It doesn’t even exist in other cultures.
They don’t even have a word for it.
The manufacturing of menopause.
Like most modern-day pseudo-ailments, menopause was invented.
It was born in New York in 1963, via an OBGYN whore called Robert Wilson.
“Whore” is the appropriate term because he was fully bought and paid for by big pharma giant Wyeth—who is now owned by Pfizer: wakey wakey!—to push this agenda.
They funded him to speak, write a book and financially backed a foundation to promote all women needing HRT from mid-life to the grave.
Hmmm. Sounds like a number of the “in the press” meno-whores we see today, loudly proclaiming that they cannot LIVE without their estradiol patches.
“I will die with my estradiol patch”
~ Quote from a pill-popping meno-doc
Same story, different century.
Anyway, in 1963 Robert and his nurse wife Thelma started by publishing an article in The Journal of the American Geriatrics Society— which was serialized in magazines and newspapers all over America—speaking on the “disease” of menopause that was akin to “a horror of living decay”.
Not only did would this condition rob a woman of any trace of her sexuality, but it would leave her devastatingly depressed and with a persistent “vapid cow-like feeling”.
Sadly, according to Wilson, this state was an inevitability for every woman.
The only remedy for this condition which would have to be administered daily and for the rest of a woman’s life—you know, another 40-50 years or so—was estrogen pills.
He started a private trust to promote estrogen therapy, backed by Wyeth Pharmaceuticals—and their $1.3 million dollar cash injection—which is the equivalent of about $13.4 million dollars today.
Wyeth also funded Wilson and his wife to go on a national speaking tours across America, addressing women’s groups from state to state on the “tragedy” of menopause and its only cure: estrogen therapy.
They then bankrolled him to write his book called Feminine Forever.
The claims were that guzzling estrogen would turn back the clock and give women:
- Softer skin
- Increased focus, concentration and a better memory
- Reduce the risk of breast and genital cancer, heart disease, stroke and bone loss
- And an overall restoration of youth
There were even studies published in The Lancet and JAMA, the Journal of the American Brothel—I mean Medical—Association, backing these promises.
Except that within months of starting HRT, many women would have to stop it because they were experiencing:
- Depression, mood swings and suicidal thoughts
- Weight gain
- Pissing their pants
- Increased blood pressure, bleeding and headaches
- Chest pains and varicose veins
Let’s sidebar a moment and talk about “STUDIES.”
People are very quick to cite “STUDIES!!!!” as though they are some kind of Biblical proclamation from God that you can never question or argue about.
Once it’s been deemed a STUDY, it is now law.
Firstly, STUDIES have to be FUNDED by someone.
Who typically funds STUDIES???
The very entity that develops the product they are trying to promote.
This is the wolf guarding the hen house.
The mafioso vouching for the good character of his buddy.
Did you know that organizations can dismiss as many of their internal “studies” as they want until they finally find the right combination of skewed data to make things look good for them?
STUDIES, used to be performed largely by government bodies.
That’s changed a lot, to where now MOST STUDIES are done by those creating the very product they are… studying.
In 2003, both the JAMA and the British Medical Journal published the results of investigations showing that when a study was funded by a company with a stake in the outcome, it was 3.6 to 4 times more likely to show a positive result.
These days, at least three out of four “clinical trials” published in the most “highly respected” medical journals are funded by pharmaceutical companies.
I would estimate that number is even higher, closer to 95-100%, but people go to greater lengths now to make the trail harder to track.
It came out recently in one of the many “plant-based fake meat” food documentaries that have come out recently, like xxxx, that they were citing “STUDIES” from an institute that was founded by the producer and funder of the documentary who also owns major shares in the fake meat they are trying to promote and sell in these films.
But if you just take someone’s word for it that “there are STUDIES!!!!” saying this, then you would just believe these things to be fact.
This also brings up the larger fact that so many people are trained to outsource knowledge and power to someone—anyone—outside of themselves.
Rather than relying on and trusting any kind of internal validation or intuition, or self-awareness, people feel more comfortable if the information has been force-fed to them by a so-called authority.
My point is, that most “studies” don’t mean sh*t.
The only “studies” I might take any interest in, are the ones that DON’T have direct financial backing by the interests they magically come out in favour of supporting.
Like the STUDY that shows eating semen is good for you and a natural anti-depressant.
I love that study.
It’s one of my favourites.
Clearly NOT funded by any kind of pharmaceutical group.
This was done at the University of Albany in New York by our lord and saviour Gordon Gallup.
We can trust studies like that!
But even so, I already trusted my body telling me that it was very, very happy when I ate come.
It made me feel good and got all my creative juices flowing.
Having the “STUDY” is a lovely validation.
But also, irrelevant.
I like to mention that “study” because it’s amazing.
And I know some people still believe in “science.”
But it wasn’t necessary to convince me.
My brain and body already knew the truth.
Okay, back to “menopause” and the STUDIES.
So I guess after so many women were feeling atrocious on these so-called life-saving hormones, someone must have done some due diligence and conducted some actually legitimate STUDIES.
By 2002, every single sales benefit that had been promoted for estro-pills had been negated, except for bone loss.
In that same year, the NIH in the UK—the National Institute of Health—published the results of a study done on 16,608 women showing that taking HRT for five years:
- increased the risk of breast cancer by 26%
- stroke by 41%
- heart disease by 29%
- doubled the risk of dementia
Hello pyramid scheme.
So now, all of these women with all of these additional ailments, are further and forever customers of the allopathic MLM scam.
Over the past year, I’ve seen these new-faced cabals of bank-rolled meno-cunts, pushing the same, tired narrative:
- Menopause is a disease.
- You are f**ked.
- Your only hope is drugs, drugs, estrogen, drugs, take out an organ, drugs.
I am going to tell you right now that:
Or no period.
Sure, their periods stop.
But they don’t get this laundry list of intractable, tragic symptoms that make them hate their lives and bodies.
It DOES not happen.
In the same way that I tell you if you find a so-called sex coach or doctor who tells you that “There is no such thing as vaginal orgasms!” or “Not all women can have them” what they are really saying is that THEY have never had them.
And if you find one of these HRT whores whining about how women need drugs forever, what they are really saying is that they’ve never been well and truly f**ked and they have no idea what it means to lived in a well-fucked woman’s body.
The women who go through my programs and launch themselves into the land of the well-fucked, experience one of two things, depending on the stage in which they find my work:
1) They sail through so-called “menopause” with nary a blip on the radar.
This would be women who find my me prior to menopause or during what I guess they call peri-menopause or whatever made-up fuckin names they come up with for this sh*t.
2) Women who come into my work having had “symptoms” such as lack of lubrication, hot flashes, feeling listless and depressed.
As they become well-f**ked, those “symptoms” magically disappear.
Here is a clip from Michelle, the Well-F**ked All Star from our Ass-F**ked Across Alabama episode – Season 6 Episode 21.
“I am a 61-year-old woman.”
“There was always a gallon of lube by our bed. Now, with my new man, all I have to do is talk to him on the telephone, and I’m dripping down to my knees. “What the f**k is that?” I mean, it is absolutely amazing. I don’t need lube.”
We’ve started having one-or-two-hour blow job sessions, and I’m loving it. I’m dripping on the bed.”
“I’m 61, and I’m telling you, it’s never too late to go grab it. If you haven’t ever had it, go see if you can get it, because it’s worth it.
I used to think that.
What are you doing? You’re a fool. You’re 60 years old. This is insane. Your life is over.”
Oh, hell, no,
It’s not over; it’s just the beginning.”
Here are the six root causes of women having menopausal “symptoms”.
HRT: Should You Take It? Tip #1 – Being underf**ked.
As I’ve said, the women I’ve worked with who have been sexually awake and alive as they go through this so-called transition DON’T experience any of these supposed symptoms.
Not a one.
So here is some SCIENCE for you.
My assertion is that your sex hormones are your MASTER hormones.
Do I have any STUDIES to back this up?
Not a one.
But I do have tens of thousands of women who have gone through my programs and I see the same results repeated over and over again.
So I have a shit ton of clinical and anecdotal evidence.
I just haven’t funded my own study to publish it.
Based on these tens of thousands of women, and watching them be underf**ked and suffer through menopause and have all of the requisite symptoms and tragic experiences, and then watching women who are well-f**ked and seeing them glide through, squirting, orgasming, and blow jobbing their way all over the house, I make the definitive proclamation that it’s being well-f**ked for the win.
For clarity, let’s define what being underf**ked and well-f**ked look like in this context.
An underf**ked woman is:
- Out of touch with her sexual energy and self
- Likely not having any orgasms or just clitoral orgasms. She doesn’t have deep vaginal orgasms, i.e. G-Spot, squirting or cervical or if she does, they aren’t a steady part of her diet.
- Her vagina is weak and numb. She’s dissociated from it and therefore thinks that clitoral orgasms are “just fine” because she—and her vagina—don’t know what they don’t know.
- She’s not having regular sex. By this I would say a minimum of 3-4 times a week and ideally more.
- If she has a partner, she’s estranged from him in some way. Meaning, there are barriers between them and the connection feels rote, monotonous and perfunctory.
So they might even be having sex—and even a fair amount of sex—but it’s in the realm of what I’d call junk-food sex vs. the Anami Gold Standard of gourmet sex. It’s quick, gets to the point, and isn’t satisfying on a deeper level.
- If single, she doesn’t have a regular self-pleasuring or jade yoni egg routine. Her reproductive organs and sexual self are in atrophy.
- She has not cleared her sexual blocks.
- A HUGE part of my work with people is helping them to find where they have destructive beliefs or traumas that interfere with them expressing their true and divine sexual natures.The Anami Guarantee states that ALL people can.ALL women are multi-orgasmic—can have G-Spot, squirting and cervical orgasms, have high libidos, can lubricate naturally and profusely at any age and stage of their lives, can shoot ping pong balls with their Super Pussies, can have orgasmic births and have blissful and euphoric periods and menopause.EVERY woman can.I guarantee it.If you are not, it’s because you’ve bought into one of the many sex scams out there, which I outlined a couple of weeks back in the episode: 10 Biggest Sex Scams – Season 6, Episode 33.
- She has victim consciousness. This is a woman who doesn’t take any personal responsibility for her state of mind, emotions and body.So in this case, since there is a convenient narrative to blame her sexual dysfunction on: OH IT’S MENOPAUSE! she doesn’t actually examine what might have led to this.Or think that ANY of her life choices could have anything to do with it.You have to start with the belief that YOU have power.IF you created this situation, THEN you have the power to change it.But if it is some random act of the gods that has cursed you, then you are at the mercy or whoever or whatever to heal it.OR not.I prefer to act from the place that says on some level, I have created this.And therefore, I have the power to heal it.
By contrast, a well-f**ked woman is the total opposite of all of this.
- She fully owns and embraces her sexual energy and self.
- She doesn’t give a f**k what other people think of her. She’s not TRYING not to care. She just doesn’t care.
- She’s wildly and daily multi-orgasmic. Cervical orgasms, G-Spot orgasms and squirting ejaculate the hits the ceiling.
- She has a Kung Fu Vagina. It’s sensitive and articulate and full of pleasure. And it can give hand jobs and shoot ping pong balls.
- She knows that her sexual energy is her power and fuel source. Whether she’s single or coupled, she’s having regular, life-changing, God-seeing sex with her partner or herself. Because yes. you can be single and epically well-fucked.
- She lives the Anami Way of Life of conscious growth and evolution, always looking to optimize her life and self, growing into better versions of who she is.
- She is a force to be reckoned with. She knows SHE is radically responsible for her own reality and she creates it. Daily. Fucking it into being with her magical vagina.
HRT: Should You Take It? Tip #2 – Stress/adrenal fatigue and the pregnenolone steal.
This is a phenomenon that happens when a women is chronically stressed.
Her cortisol and adrenalin levels are elevated ongoing.
Her body is working to produce these emergency response hormones ALL time time, rather than just in short bursts when they’re critically needed.
Since these levels are always high, the body is essentially “stealing” from other hormone production pathways—primarily and especially sex hormones—to make up the difference.
This then results in lower sexual performance and “symptoms” all around.
HRT: Should You Take It? Tip #3 – Being underf**ked.
HRT: Should You Take It? Tip #4 – Buying into the menopause myth…
sales pitch and brainwashing and the apparently easy and zero personal responsibility idea that YOU cannot help or change this and the only thing you can do is take drugs and use lube forever and ever and ever.
The narrative here is that women are told—and shown through the media—they are supposed to lose all sexual impulses past age 40 or 45.
The culture primes them for this.
A LOT of time, energy and marketing propaganda goes into making “mid-life” for women seem unsexy and literally and metaphorically DRY.
I spoke about this in my podcast episode earlier this year: Ageless and Fit as F**k, which is Season 6 Episode 15, when I was talking about my own fitness journey as a 50-something, when I’m now fitter than I’ve ever been in my life—and I’ve been pretty fit most of my adult life—and contrasting that to how most 50-something women are portrayed in the media.
I spoke about the pathetic resurrection of Sex and the City which featured our previously once-very-sexual and ultra-fuckable heroines now in various states of dementia, hip replacements and having strokes at the ripe old age of 50.
This is not my 50.
This was an example of 50 is the new 80.
Where I live by 80 is the new 50.
If you look at TV shows like the Golden Girls—which I’ve never watched before, but I’m aware of it—I thought these women were all in their 70s and 80s.
I looked it up and only ONE of them was in her 80s.
All the rest of these bitches were in their 50s.
But they show them as being these blue-haired, cardigan-wearing, asexual grandmothers.
Since I’ve never watched the show, I don’t know if these ladies get any action.
But from the looks of them, if they do, it’s despite what they look like because they are advertisements for ultra-UNf**kability.
I have noticed a change in this trend lately, but I’m saving that discussion for another episode in the coming weeks. I’m actually VERY excited to get into this topic.
My point is, that this is all programming.
It’s showing women that their juiciness is all dried up come age 45 or whatever it is.
So women grow into that story that they’re being force-fed all around them.
So there’s the overarching idea of women being “finished” as sexual beings after a certain age.
And then there is an accompanying laundry list of symptoms women are told go along with this.
Hot flashes. Dry vagina. Depression. Low libido, of course.
I’ve never experienced any of them.
And there are plenty of “that age” women in my programs who haven’t either.
A few weeks ago I was talking to a woman in the medical profession who believes in menopause and who was apparently “IN” it.
I wasn’t trying to convince her of anything.
I was just curious about her experience and asking her questions about what her “symptoms” were.
She mentioned “hot flashes”.
So we started talking about those.
And then, right in that very moment, she started to have one.
Her face broke out in a sweat—it was literally dripping down her face—and she had to take a moment to catch her breath.
This was the most Pavlovian thing I have ever seen in my life.
Just the very mention of it and that was her cue to have one.
This is exactly like the programming that sets women up to have painful, crisis-like birth experiences.
They see it over and over in the media: TV shows, movies, of women screaming at the top of their lungs in pain and it’s life or death and OH THANK GOD THE DOCTOR COMES IN AND SAVES THE DAY BECAUSE THIS SILLY, INCOMPETENT WOMAN CERTAINLY COULD NOT HAVE BIRTHED HER OWN BABY WITHOUT HIM!!!
They go into birth expecting pain and tragedy.
And so they get it.
The truth is, birth is meant be the biggest, most pleasurable orgasm of a woman’s life.
Menopause is a time when you can be Ass-F**ked Across Alabama.
The fact that we’re so far from this—what is natural—shows us the power of programming.
HRT: Should You Take It? Tip #5 – A woman has never really invested in deep healing.
This is someone with lifelong sexual and emotional blockages that have not been cleared.
She has likely had a life of heavy, difficult periods and PMS that simply carry over into this age and stage and now manifest as “difficult menopause”.
It seems easier to take a magic pill from the “Menopause Fairy” than to roll up your sleeves and take off your pants and do the deep, deep— and by that I mean the cleansing and therapeutic power of cervical orgasms—inner work.
I’ve already alluded to these things as I talked about the qualities of being underfucked vs. well-fucked — the power and importance of the inner, alchemical work and play needed to feng shui her vagina and whole sexual self.
Without consciously removing the blockages and debris that mar the path, you won’t unlock that flow.
The GREAT news is that you can actually DO this THROUGH your vagina and through your deeper orgasms.
Yes, your vagina and orgasms can heal you.
Check out my episodes F**king Is Better than Therapy Season 4, Episode 21 and My Vagina Healed That! Season 6, Episode 6.
HRT: Should You Take It? Tip #6 – Being underf**ked.
So… what is menopause supposed to be?
– A giant f**k fest, with you coming into your full power as a woman.
- The pinnacle of your creative achievements coming to fruition.
- You at your most confident best
- Not giving a f**k what anyone thinks
- Wildly self-confident
Menopause is meant to be a mystical portal.
This is a sacred transition for a woman, where her creative and birthing powers can now be channeled into her own spiritual growth and ascension.
Instead of her body spending a lot of energy each month on the possible creation of a new life, she can consciously redirect that energy and use it to pro-creatively RE-birth her own self and life.
This is a time when she naturally has even greater access to psychedelic states—NO, not by going down to Peru or Costa Rica and taking ayahuasca—but by default of being a woman and at this stage of her life.
The portal is more open—if she’s aware that this is even a thing and knows how to access it.
Like with ALL power, if you don’t own and access it, it tends to INVERT back on you.
And THIS is what happens to nearly all women during their meno years.
And look, like I’ve said, if you were to buy into the pervasive programming and drink the menopause Kool-Aid, and believe that women become fuddy-duddy unfuckable asexual beings at age 45, then you’d be on a track for a hideous midlife—and likely rest of your life—experience.
Everything caves in on you.
You become an unf**kwithable powerhouse.
You harness all of that pro-creative energy and rebirth your life and self, building on all the life wisdom you’ve built so far.
Now is your time to cash in.
The choice is yours.
So to answer the question: Should you take HRT?
That’s up to you.
I’ve laid out all the FACTS here and you can decide your path.
If you don’t dare to believe that you, too, can be fantastically well-f**ked and a sexual goddess beast into your 90s, then you can drown your sorrows in buckets of lube and Eileen Fisher.
If you’re ready to make the leap into Anami Land and the life of a well-f**ked, NATURALLY lubricating, orgasming, squirting and salacious woman, come on over.
And you can start now.
My Vaginal Kung Fu Salon opens for registration in two weeks!
In my legendary 10-week online salon, you will learn to master all things vaginal and sexual. Including and especially how to live an HRT-free life and be wetter and more libidinous than ever.
- How to supercharge your pussy with a jade egg vaginal weight lifting practice.
- Self-pleasuring and yoni massage techniques to de-numb and awaken your vagina
- How to clear decades-old sexual blocks that prevent your from expressing your true sexual nature and self
- And much more.
To signup for my free video series, How to Manifest Men, Money and Miracles with Your Vagina AND to be notified with we open the doors to the salon, go to Vaginal Kung Fu.