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Magical Menstruation

A woman’s “moon” has been historically thought of as a time of deep introspection when she had access to the unseen realms and her own deeper self. What is the real spiritual purpose of menstruation? 

Yet, it’s an accepted idea in our culture that women are “cursed” with their “time of the month.”

Menstruation is viewed as an untimely, unsightly experience that women need to endure—like some kind of extension of the biblical punishment for the sin of having been born a woman.

Except that this is bullshit.

Prior to modern religions teaching that menstruation is impure, dirty and unholy, and allopathic views that it is inconvenient, better-to-be-controlled and disposable, menstruation was considered a magical and powerful thing by cultures all over the world.

This was thought to be when the “doors between worlds opened” via the gateway of her cervix, and the lines between this dimension and other ones become much more accessible. 

Women were encouraged and even supported to work less and to use this time to go within, as shamans, and to bring back knowledge from the other worlds. 

This viewpoint has been perverted over the years. 

Instead of viewing this as a time of power, WHICH IT IS, women are now shamed, made to feel embarrassed and disown this incredibly potent tool for self-realization. 

And now this has been inverted upon themselves. 

And what does suppressed energy do?

It comes out in all kinds of mutated ways: depression, lethargy, pain, cramps, headaches, foggy-headedness. 

There is always a cost to disowning your power.

Let’s set a few things straight here and dispel some menstrual myths, and explore solutions to balance menstrual and PMS issues, so this time becomes one where women can tune into their spiritual power, rather than feeling overtaken by their own bodies.

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Vaginal Kung Fu is my legendary 10-week online salon on all things vaginal, reproductive and sexual. 

It’s about getting back in touch, getting strong, connected and articulate. 

In the vagina.

And in your entire life. 

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Magical Menstruation Transcript

A bejeweled vagina symbolizing the power of magical menstruation

Let’s talk about the spiritual purpose of menstruation.

It’s an accepted idea in our culture that women are “cursed” with their “time of the month.”

Menstruation is viewed as an untimely, unsightly experience that women need to endure—like some kind of extension of the biblical punishment for the sin of having been born a woman.

Except that this is bullshit.

Prior to modern religions teaching that menstruation is impure, dirty and unholy, and allopathic views that it is inconvenient, better-to-be-controlled and disposable, menstruation was considered a magical and powerful thing by cultures all over the world.

A woman’s “moon” was a time of deep introspection when she had access to the unseen realms and her own deeper self.

This was thought to be when the “doors between worlds opened” via the gateway of her cervix, and the lines between this dimension and other ones become much more accessible.

Women were encouraged and even supported to work less and to use this time to go within, as shamans, and to bring back knowledge from the other worlds.


This viewpoint has been perverted over the years.

Instead of viewing this as a time of power, WHICH IT IS, women are now shamed, made to feel embarrassed and disown this incredibly potent tool for self-realization.

And now this has been inverted upon themselves.

And what does suppressed energy do?

It comes out in all kinds of mutated ways: depression, lethargy, pain, cramps, headaches, foggy-headedness.

There is always a cost to disowning your power.

So let’s set a few things straight here and dispel some menstrual myths

Magical Menstruation Myth #1: PERIODS are just hard and exhausting and painful and difficult. They are God’s CURSE on women!

Um, that’s fucking bullshit.

That sounds about as truthful as the idea that having a bad was supposed to hurt, because God said all women are hoes.


Nothing in your body is supposed to make you feel like shit as a natural course of being.

Having difficult periods or for that matter, crazy menopause, means that something is wrong.

You honesty think that “God” and nature set out to punish you for being a woman?

The only “punishing” has been self and societal-inflicted—absorbed by women’s psyches and bodies as truth.

It isn’t.

Pain and discomfort are signs of stuck sexual energy.

Although there may be solutions that involve diet and lifestyle, in my view, there is always an underlying deeper emotional, psychological or spiritual cause.

Once you find that and work with it, you can actually solve the problem.

The biggest root cause is simply stuck, stagnant, disowned sexual energy.

By this I mean women who are disconnected from themselves and their sexuality their bodies, their reproductive organs.

And then when they pick up the cultural messages that periods are a pain in the ass, why would you even want them? So aren’t you glad we can just give you hormone blockers? And then when you have fertility problems down the road, and breast cancer, you can come back as a perpetual client/patient.

The solution to a difficult period or PMS issues isn’t taking hormonal birth control to suspend your period forever.

That’s like saying abstinence is a reliable method of birth control.

Really? Is it?

Is it even a solution? It’s like cutting off your arm for you if you broke it and saying you no longer have the problem.

Um, right. But now you have much bigger ones.

You CAN find a solution.

Listen to your body instead of overriding its messages to you.

I have seen over and over again, that once women truly come into contact with and OWN their sexual energy and power, their menstrual, pre-menstrual and menopausal issues evaporate.

No pills required—only becoming a well-f**ked woman.

Single, or coupled, you can still be well-f**ked.

Magical Menstruation Truth #1: Menstruation can and ought to be an easy, even pleasurable time.

A women has the opportunity to tap into a deeper part in herself, and her unconscious and to other dimensions of existence.

You don’t need drugs to get there.

You get it for free, every month.

If it isn’t working for you, and your period feels anything but that, then listen up for the solutions part of this episode.

In other cultures, and in ancient times, especially in First Nations cultures, men did vision quests and women had periods.

Men did sweat lodges and women had periods.

Women had access to this monthly power portal opening, simply as part of being women.

Men had to seek it out.

This is the truth.

You can get high and access altered states of consciousness, simply through your monthly menstruation.

It’s just like childbirth: it was intended to be orgasmic, ecstatic and a deep, spiritual  initiation for women.

Not a surgical opportunity to be managed by men, drugs or surgery.

Periods are the same. They don’t need managing, and if they do, your body is trying to tell you something.

Instead of gagging it with carcinogenic hormonal birth control, figure out what your body is trying to say to you and listen.

Our bodies are full of wisdom and information for us, if we are willing to listen.

Part of my work with clients and in my salons, is to help people decipher these messages.

Not ignore and silence them.

Magical Menstruation Myth #2: Menstruation is a time when a woman is “dirty” and “unholy”.

Contrary to some popular cultural mythology, menstruating women aren’t a “threat” to temples and other supposed holy places because they are “impure” during menstruation.

Yes, women are a force to be reckoned with during this time.

But not because they are um, dirty.

It’s because they are ultra-powerful.

And yes, that could bowl over the entire temple.

The strange societal beliefs that have been perpetuated for a while now, that periods are this dark, sinister, shameful thing, is simply made up lies.

The truth is the opposite.

Magical Menstruation Truth #2: Menstruation is a power portal. Menstruation and menopause are windows to tap into and harness your creative, psychic and spiritual power. 

If you learn to truly honour your period, you’ll find that you can easily enter into a state of altered consciousness.

And no, not because you are in debilitating pain.

But because that’s what they are there for, if you let them do their job.

This becomes a time of renewal and monthly rebirth, similar to a deep orgasm.


Now because we live in a time where people get massively defensive if you were to ever suggest anything like personal responsibility, I’ll unpack something here, lest I get accused of “blaming and shaming women” for having challenging periods.

I’m not blaming or shaming anyone.

I’m saying that you’ve been fed a bunch of propaganda and lies about your menstruation, that make it a highly profitable endeavour for allopathic medicine to step into your lives and wombs.

If you dig that, then have at it.

But if you’d like to explore actual and permanent solutions, then stick around.

My work is all about returning power to its ultimate source — you.

If you somehow got off track along the way, and forgot that you have the ability to heal yourself, then I can help show you the way back.

I have done it for thousands of women, and I can do it for you.

Let’s talk about solutions.


Magical Menstruation Solution #1: Get well-f**ked: Single or coupled—both work.

This really is number one.

The primary reason for difficult periods, PMS and menopause is stuck sexual energy.

I used to have really challenging PMS, until I made a massive breakthrough in my own sexual journeying.

For years, right after ovulation, I felt like my energy just dropped out. I was lethargic, I felt dumber, I was depressed.

And then once I passed through a major sexual turning point in my life, all that evaporated.

Getting your sexual energy consciously moving is huge.

The other thing I have done is:

Magical Menstruation Solution #2: Conscious control of your periods. Yes, you can do this. I have been for the past 25 years.

I did a podcast with Wim Hof last summer, and we talked about how we can both consciously control our autonomic nervous systems – the ANS.

He does it through controlling his body’s response to cold.

I do it through controlling my body’s menstrual cycle.

These are both things that we are told by “science” that we have no control over.

These are “automatic” functions of our body. Period.

Except, no.

I’ve been able to consciously control the frequency of my periods for the past 25 years.

For years, I chose to have them only every three months.

Then every six months.

And over the last year or so, I just stopped having them at all, because I knew I didn’t want to have any other children.

I use qi gong techniques to convert that energy into creative, life-force energy.

Instead of building up all that energy to have a baby each month, I turn it into energy that I can use out in the world, in my life, my work, in everything I do.

When I was choosing to menstruate, and used these techniques, they made my menstruation easy, light and energizing.

These are conscious practices that every woman can learn.

And that I teach.

Magical Menstruation Solution #3: Vaginal Kung Fu. As I said, the main issue for difficult periods is being disconnected from your own sexuality.

Just because you are having sex, doesn’t mean you are deeply connected!

Are you naturally wet all the time?

Do you have G-Spot, cervical and squirting orgasms?

Do you have a high libido?

Can you shoot ping pong balls with your vagina?

When you have sex, are you deeply rejuvenated, transformed, ecstatically pleasured and feel like your life was changed?

That’s what being sexually connected looks like.

And I’d add, that it also looks like having enjoyable and even pleasurable periods and menopause.

If you are disconnected from your vagina, you are disconnected from your sexuality.

And the truth is, most women have numb vaginas.

Both from underuse, i.e. not being well-f**ked, and from lack of proper exercise — i.e. using a jade yoni egg.

AND, from being a repository for unresolved trauma.

All of that lodges itself into the tissues of the vagina and reproductive organs, eventually causing everything from “low libido” to painful intercourse, to difficulty lubricating and having painful periods.

Just like any other muscle in the body, if you don’t exercise it, the muscles atrophy.

And then you don’t feel anything there.

You have the sense that you can take or leave sex, because there just isn’t much going on there!

When you strengthen, reconnect to and activate the vagina, yes, you get all the physical benefits of reversing urinary incontinence, upping your libido, having deep vaginal orgasms , profuse squirting and incredible pleasure—and you also now are connected to the core of your being.

Literally and metaphysically.

This becomes your guiding compass in the world.

You develop the ability to consciously tap into this power source, your sexual and creative energy and shape your world.


The reason why so many women experience menstrual issues isn’t because it’s “normal”, though a prescription writing doctor would have you think so.

It’s because these women are totally disconnected from their sexual energy and then it inverts upon them.

It’s like trying to stop the flow of a volcano.

You can’t stop it, but it just ends up blowing the lid off of all kinds of other things.

Being connected to your sexuality and vagina is your number one tool to reverse these patterns, seize control of your life, and enjoy the pleasures of having a female body.


Women have been brainwashed for millennia to think that they need a lab coat, a pill or a pair of stirrups to tell them the truth about their own bodies.

You don’t.

Your vagina knows.

All you need to do is listen to it.

Clear away the debris and the interference that stops this direct contact to your deepest source of wisdom, and let it flow.

These are all things I teach in the Vaginal Kung Fu Salon.

You can learn to take charge of your own body and harness your inherent power.

To check out the free preview video series and to be notified of when we open the doors for registration, go to Vaginal Kung Fu.

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2 thoughts on “Magical Menstruation

  1. Thanks Kim for your candid messages dealing with sexual energy, along with your personal and spiritual journey.

    These messages are so needed for women in appreciating their bodies. What are your thoughts on dildo’s vibrators? I have not been sexually active for some time. Dildos (sex toys) are what I use until I find the appropriate person to engage with sexually.