My Yoni Manifested a Man! TRANSCRIPT

I often use the phrase #poweredbyvagina to describe how I have created my life and manifested my desired reality.
From my vagina!
By using my sexual energy as the PRO-creative power source it is.
THIS is the true purpose of your sexual energy.
Yes, it’s there to give you pleasure.
Its deepest power is as a tangible substance you can use to shape your world.
When people are cut off from their sexual energy, they often have lives they don’t like.
They are stuck in repeating patterns, unhappy with the shape of everything from their work and careers to their bodies.
They feel stuck.
They feel powerless to change anything and may even have a sense of hopelessness that things will be like this forever.
They can’t see a way out.
This is all symptomatic of being underf**ked.
Being underf**ked isn’t just NOT having sex.
It’s not having any clue how to tap into and HARNESS your creative sexual energy.
When people are chronically underf**ked, they’ll manifest all sorts of indications in their lives.
- Depression
- Anger, irritability
- Career and financial stagnation
- Relationship strife
- Weight issues, from all the “baggage” you are carrying
- ALL reproductive ailments are symptomatic of stuck sexual energy. And I mean ALL: Difficult periods, PMS and menopause, growths, cysts, PCOS, endo. Low libido, lack of lubrication, not having orgasms, or only having clitoral orgasms, erectile issues in men. And the list goes on.
This is what happens when your sexual energy INVERTS on you.
Since it’s not being properly inhabited and channeled, it collapses inward and causes all kinds of obstructive chaos.
This is the definition of hysteria that originated 2000 years ago.
It literally means to be underf**ked.
Well, literally, it means to have an “uneasy womb” that is suffering from being underfucked.
The opposite of all these things takes place when you get well-f**ked.
When you clear the blocks that get in the way of you fully owning and enjoying your sexual energy—and then learn to consciously direct it through the kinds of practices I teach in my salons—you become a manifesting machine.
You unblock the flow of the universe that WANTS to express itself through you.
You take control of your life.
You begin to shape it to reflect your deepest and most authentic truth and desires.
This process even helps you to get clear on what those things are if you feel like you don’t know.
Because through being connected to your sexual energy, you self-realize.
You become the person you’re truly meant to be.
And then you begin to live a life of manifesting magic.
This is when newly well-f**ked people begin using phrases like:
“It just came to me.”
“It fell into my lap.”
Notice that even these are sexual innuendos!
Which is very apropos.
Because the source and the truth is your activated vagina.
A “lap” that magnetizes everything to it.
Today we’re talking to Well-F**ked All Star Rosie.
She’s a manifesting maven.
She—and her vagina—created a year-long work sabbatical, an adorable French apartment, and a scathing hot dream man.
All from her turned on vagina.
KIM: Rosie, it’s so wonderful to have you here.
ROSIE: Thank you, Kim. It’s absolutely amazing to be here. Thank you.
KIM: You are traveling on a one-year sabbatical that you have manifested. You’re in Japan right now.
ROSIE: Yeah, exactly. It is just past seven in the morning in Japan right now, and my gorgeous lover, who I also manifested after Vaginal Kung Fu, has invited me to come travel the world with him for a year. So yeah, life is pretty amazing right now! [Laughs]
KIM: I love it! Let’s dive into that. Let’s dive into this idea that you are able to create and manifest your reality. How has that unfolded for you, and how would you connect that to inhabiting your sexual energy?
ROSIE: Gosh, huge question. [Laughs] Maybe it’s best for me to start with where I was before. That way I can show how it helped me inhabit my sexual energy and manifest everything that’s happening in my life right now.
Never Had an Orgasm
Before I came to Vaginal Kung Fu, life often was really hard for me. I was your typical vibrator-clit addict, and before I turned 30, I’d never had an orgasm, even with a vibrator or anything. I had a lot of body dissociation. I had really severe anorexia in my early twenties, and I had a device put in in my mid-twenties because the doctor said it would be good for balancing my hormones.
Body Dissociation
Yeah, a lot of dissociation from my body, not inhabiting my sexual energy at all, and then, following a horrible breakup, big grief; I lost someone close to me. I started this big journey to be the source of my own sexual pleasure. That’s when I found you. So it was almost like I was ready.
My Yoni Manifested a Man Tip!
I found you, and through Vaginal Kung Fu, everything in me changed. My ability to bring pleasure to my life changed. My source of pleasure came from within me rather than from the man giving me pleasure.
It’s from that space, that deep self-responsibility, which I think is my favorite thing you teach, that we are in charge of our lives. We are responsible for everything happening in our lives. Goodbye, victim mindset. Goodbye “stuff is happening to me.” Hello, I’m the person who is responsible for everything, including bringing the right man into my life and living the life I want to live.
So yeah, all the lessons Vaginal Kung Fu gave me the ability to create everything that I’m doing now.
Victim Mindset vs. Radical Self-Responsibility
KIM: I love that. Along the way, was that a hard thing for you to swallow? Rejecting the whole victim mindset? Were you able to take that on as, “Okay, actually, it’s empowering to think that I hold the keys to doing this?” How did that evolve?
ROSIE: For me it was super empowering. It was like it clicked immediately that this was right. It’s like I had swallowed the Kool-Aid before [laughs], as you say. The world tells us things happen to us, so you keep hearing it everywhere, everywhere, everywhere. I think it’s always felt right that it’s my responsibility.
I don’t know if you know much about eating disorders, but with my anorexia, I think it was up to me to heal that. It wasn’t the therapy; it wasn’t a doctor; it wasn’t anyone else. I had to choose the hard thing to change my mind. I think it was in my core anyway, but I knew that what was happening in my life was because of me, and I got to choose. All your podcasts, your lessons, the practices, I felt like, “Yes! This is right. Yes, I know this.” It’s like deep inside, we know it already, and we’ve just been told so many lies.
It wasn’t a hard pill to swallow; it was just really settling into the truth much more. Yeah, and super empowering. I notice everywhere how much victimhood is prevalent among female friends and among everyone. It’s like, “No, no, that’s your job. Come on, you got this.” That makes us strong. Saying we’re not a victim doesn’t deny that something bad has happened. It just means we can find our way out of anything bad that happens.
KIM: That unfolded for you quite easily. Then how did your sexual energy act as the amplifier? Because I always say that’s the juice, the missing piece. That’s the secret sauce. When people recognize that and they learn how to consciously direct it, that’s when the abundance cup spilleth over.
My Yoni Manifested a Man Tip: The Jade Yoni Egg
ROSIE: For me, it was doing the yoni egg practice and all the practices. I made them a real priority in my day and in my week. I moved to live in France in this tiny Alpine apartment on my own. The walls touched the side of the bed. It was a really cute little place, but it was all to myself.
Self-pleasuring to Know Thyself
I wasn’t going out to see friends. I wasn’t going to the pub after work. I was putting a blanket on the kitchen floor and masturbating. [Laughs] Because I thought, “No, I’m going to work through my stuff.” It was work at first because it was numb, and it was tears, and it was painful, and it was boring. [Laughs] But I trusted that it would shift, and I started glowing. I had girlfriends say, “You look different. You seem different.” And I felt sexy. I felt the energy flowing after any session. You can feel it. [Laughs] You feel sparkly.
For example, breast massage, for one, was really, really big for me. My breasts had always been a huge source of shame for me. I have two older brothers. It was a real tomboy household growing up, and I hated my breasts when they first started developing because my brothers would laugh and joke about the little nipple buds. So when I got larger breasts around age 16, I got breast-reducing bras to crush them and hide them. I wouldn’t go anywhere without a bra that hid the nipples as much as possible. I had loads of shame around my breasts.
That continued through my relationships, and so when I first started doing the breast massage, I found it awful. I absolutely hated it. A 20-minute-long breast massage? “Oh my god, I’m so bored. This is horrible.” I’m someone who is really into yoga and meditation, so sitting and just being with sensation is something that I love doing, but the breast massage? I absolutely hated it.
My Yoni Manifested a Man Tip: Breast Massage
Then, after a couple of weeks of doing it, my breasts were larger and perkier, and they were calling me to massage them. They felt sparkly and incredible, and I was standing taller and prouder in my body.
That shift was one of the biggest ones, because I went from hating a part of my body to truly loving it—and not just loving and fancying it, but being turned on by that part of my body. It changed my energy in the world. I’m penetrating the world with my breasts now. [Laughs]
My partner will give me a breast massage before we go to sleep, and it’s just a really sparkly, beautiful thing. He loves doing it, and he loves my breasts, and I love my breasts.
There’s this sparkly energy when you’re constantly nourishing your sexual energy and nourishing these parts of yourself. Everything in your world starts to be a bit more sparkly.
KIM: So beautiful.
ROSIE: I don’t know if I’ve answered your question or if I’ve gone completely off, sorry. [Laughs]
KIM: Oh, you totally have answered it. Speaking of your boyfriend, how did you manifest him?
ROSIE: After Vaginal Kung Fu, I still hadn’t had a vaginal orgasm, but I was feeling super in my sexual energy and in the practices. I was really excited about VKF, and I could feel it was going to make a big difference. I said, “I’m not really going to date that much anymore. 2024 is all about me, my sexuality, manifesting the life I want,” and straight after Vaginal Kung Fu I manifested my dream apartment. I went from this tiny apartment to this huge—I really wanted a huge sofa with a mountain view and a balcony and a separate gorgeous double bedroom, and I got it. [Laughs]
KIM: Wonderful.
ROSIE: Literally the mountain view that I wanted. I had been envisioning it after my sexual practices. That was dreamy. So I said, “I’m living my dream life, I’m in my dream place. I’ve got my dream apartment. I’m not really going to be looking for a man. I’m in a really good place.” That was the energy I was going into 2024 with. I think it’s vital to say that I had stopped that need for a man. I was really in my sexual energy. “I’m my best lover, and I’m the source of my pleasure, and my life is beautiful because I’m creating it with my pussy, obviously.”
Magnetizing Her Dream Lover
A couple of weeks later, I went on a date, and I saw his eyes. I mean, he was beautiful. Tall Frenchman, blue eyes, blond hair, snowboarding, super-sexy. He was walking toward me in the snow in the dark, and I can still see that first date. [Gasp]. “Oh, my gosh, he’s gorgeous.”
Even before the date, the energy and the purity of our messages were beautiful. It was just immediately beautiful. My intuition was, “This is soft. This is relaxing. I feel safe.”
My Yoni Manifested a Man Tip: Listening to the Voice of Your Vagina
On the day we went to this restaurant, I could feel my pussy getting wet just while he was talking to me. I said, “Oh my god! [Laughs] Kim says to trust this. I’m going to trust this.”
[Laughs] Yeah. We had three dates, and then, fun twist, I was moving to South Africa for two months. So we had these three gorgeous dates, chatting, connecting, epic kisses, amazing sex. I’m not normally one to jump into bed quickly with someone, but it was just safe and easy, and it felt right. I’ve never been a one-night-stand girl, and so yeah, this was really amazing.
I said, “I’m going to South Africa,” but I felt really good. I went to South Africa, and we stayed in touch, and he sent me a picture one day of this set of couple’s cards questions. So that we could have open communication chats over WhatsApp voice notes every day, we were asking really deep questions. This was within a few weeks of meeting; we were asking super deep, emotional, sexual, and physical questions and then having these incredibly deep conversations over WhatsApp voice notes for the first month, which was amazing.
I think the only reason I went on a date with him before I went to South Africa is because on his profile, it said, “I’m into open communication,” and with all of your stuff about clearing the glass, I said, “My number one need is they have to be open to chat. Full honesty, full responsibility, radical honesty.” And he was very much so on those first three dates, sharing everything. And then these cards were another way for us to both really open up about absolutely everything.
Then he asked to come visit me in South Africa. Normally I would have said, “No. Oh my god, you’re invading my space. We’ve only known each other a month.” But I said, “Yes,” and we had this incredibly romantic, amazing, magical week together.
Yeah, then I came back, and the rest is history. We just kept having incredible sex. I had my first deep vaginal orgasm with him that week in South Africa, and it just was easeful. It just came. I didn’t have to try. I didn’t have to be anything. I just relaxed and surrendered, and it just came. Then it kept coming and coming and coming. [Laughs] And it has kept coming and coming and coming with him.
I know it’s not because of him. Yes, we have this incredible energetic connection. I have this beautiful, amazing man, but it’s also because of all the work I did on myself. The ways I opened, the ways I surrendered. The way I kept opening my heart to him and surrendering to him.
Ultimate Dream Man
So yeah, he’s literally my dream man, but he’s like a teenage-girl dream man as well, because he’s skater boy, surfer boy, snowboarder, tall, blond, French, and alongside that, open communication all the way, loves sex, loves my body, and holds me in every single emotion I have.
Being Totally Held and Seen by Your Partner
And that’s the amazing thing. It’s been a year now—we’re going through the layers now that I’m safe; all the parts of me that have never been held before, the angry parts, the emotional parts, the wild parts, the trigger parts, are calling and they feel safe enough to be loved and held by him. It’s amazing, and it’s challenging, but it’s amazing.
My Yoni Manifested a Man Tip: Raising Your Vibration to Find a High-Caliber Match
Yeah, I know that if I hadn’t done the work on myself, if I hadn’t found my pleasure from within, if I hadn’t been nourishing my sexual energy, there’s no way I would’ve been the right woman for a man like this. Because he deserves a really sexually wild, energetic woman. He really does.
KIM: That’s beautiful. I love that acknowledgment because, a lot of the time, people can get stuck. That isn’t you, because from what you’ve said, you’re really committed to personal responsibility, but people can get blamey and say, “Oh, there’s no good men out there.” But the thing is, you have to elevate yourself to a place high enough to attract that higher-quality man. If people keep attracting a pattern, an energy that drags them down, then they’re the ones who need to look at the magnet that’s doing that.
ROSIE: Exactly. I believe that, and I think men are amazing. Every man who has come into my life, even just friendships, they’re incredible. If you’re in the right energy, if you’re in your feminine, if you’re receptive to all they have to offer and share and give … Oh my god, they blow my mind. There are amazing men everywhere, and it’s almost like women are blocking them somehow. If you aren’t being open, if you aren’t nourishing their energy, you’re blocking their brilliance, and I firmly believe that.
The more I open, the more I know that he will blossom. So it’s like I have to keep doing this work on myself and keep being the best version of me so that I can inspire and support his growth and brilliance. It’s a beautiful, symbiotic relationship.
But yeah, I firmly believe we have to be the level we want to be. We have to be the partner we want to be. It’s up to me to have an amazing relationship with someone by being an amazing partner, for sure.
KIM: Agreed. You radiate that very clearly.
Tell me more about other elements of your life. Because it looks like you’ve really mastered this essence of being able to manifest through your creative and sexual energy. You did this incredibly with this man. How else did that show up in your life? It showed up in these geographical opportunities. How about in your work or creativity?
ROSIE: Yeah. In my work life, I got an amazing pay raise very randomly right after Vaginal Kung Fu. It was very unexpected, as was being allowed to go on this year off and have my job safe when I get back. It’s unheard of in the UK to have a year of sabbatical and then still have your job when you go home. It’s very common in France, and that’s why he invited me, because they have a program where if you’re working for a big company, you can take a year’s sabbatical every seven years. People do it all the time. But I work for a British company, so it was really mad that I could.
Then to be able to financially afford my year off is mad as well. These are all things that seem to just come naturally into my life since doing Well-F**ked Woman and VKF. Before, I might have said, “Take a year off and be able to afford it? No way. Not in a million years.”
Yeah, money definitely starts flowing. Life is more easeful when you’re really embodying your sexual energy. Living in that place of surrender and trust is really, really key. There are moments where I think, “Okay, money is down a bit. I can always refill it.” So I get the flow. Money is this beautiful, energetic flow, and if you’re working hard and being your best self, it keeps coming. It’s the tightening and restriction and constriction of energy that I think blocks it.
“Am I the Only Woman Who Can’t Do This??”
The biggest and most beautiful thing that I manifested was my own healing though. Because I didn’t get the deep vaginal orgasms straight away. All the other women in the group were talking about their cervical orgasms and their squirting, and I was feeling really inferior and like “I haven’t achieved it, and I’m that one woman who can’t.” I was so convinced I was that one woman who couldn’t. BUT, that wasn’t true. I continued with the practices and eventually, it all unfolded beautifully.
KIM: It’s so funny; even though I hammer that home with everybody, we still hear that all the time, where people feel like they’re that one woman it doesn’t apply to. Then they usually overcome that. Yeah.
It’s the Anami guarantee, and we’ll show people ad infinitum examples, but they’ll still have that doubt that “Maybe not for me.”
Self-Healing and Alchemizing Using Your Sexual Energy
ROSIE: [Laughs] Yeah. Like I said earlier, it’s the Kool-Aid. We women are trained to stay small and weak. I believed that in my twenties. That was my life and that was it. Layers of that block took ages to unwind. The practices in Vaginal Kung Fu helped, even though I wasn’t getting that heightened pleasure straight away. Though it was much slower than I saw in all these other women, I look back and realize what was happening was deep, deep layers of healing.
I remember lying on that kitchen floor, being racked with tears. I would be self-pleasuring for an hour and barely feeling pleasure and just pouring tears of pain and grief and frustration at my body, but also grief of the loss of the loved one, grief of the pleasure I never had during that sexual relationship I missed out on, the pleasure that I missed out on giving myself. I think I had a lot to process.
My Yoni Manifested a Man Tip: Trusting Yourself
I had 38 years of grief around my body and sadness, dissociation from my body, and numbness. I felt hatred for healing. Sending my sexual energy into healing those parts of my soul was the biggest win for me. That’s better than the amazing life and all the apartments and my lover than you can imagine, because I’m in this place of deep trust in myself. I remember you saying to surrender and trust the universe, trust your partner to catch you, but trust yourself most of all. Trust that I can catch myself. And that’s what needed healing the most. That’s what I needed to manifest the most, that trust in myself. That deep surrender to myself and knowing that I’ll be okay no matter what, because I’m here.
Yeah, that’s the thing I’m most grateful for. That’s the real win.
KIM: It’s the whole concept of being comfortable in your own skin because the worst feeling ever is when you have that need or want to dissociate and are not in your own self. But when you feel good and ecstatic and confident and fully owning—it’s the best feeling ever.
ROSIE: Yeah. It’s interesting because then you have to keep doing the work. You can’t just say, “Okay, I feel good now; I’m going to be lazy.” [Laughs] For example, we’ve been traveling for two months. It’s just been amazing and hectic and having sex all the time. So I’m thinking, “Oh, I can’t fit my practices in today. I was surfing too much and we’re having too much sex. We’re doing all this couple stuff and visualization stuff, and my personal practices have slipped a little bit in the last month or so because it’s been so busy. I’ve really noticed it in my body and my ability to surrender to pleasure with him because I haven’t been nurturing myself from the inside out in the same way.
It comes back super quick. In the last week I’ve been doing my yoni massage and my jade yoni egg really religiously again, and I’m back to boom, boom, boom deep vaginal orgasms again.
You can’t give up. There’s always somewhere deeper to go, and we haven’t gotten to the deeper spaces. But I think it’s also just to know that, yeah, life gets in the way sometimes, and you can get it back. That’s been a really lovely little lesson for me. Now I’m saying, “Okay, back to me at the start of this year. I’m going to focus on me as well again.” That feels really, really good.
KIM: You said he made a comment that your vagina was the wettest and most incredible vagina he’d ever experienced.
ROSIE: [Laughs] Yeah. Yeah, he is in full worship of my vagina. That was amazing from the beginning. I said, “I’m doing VKF.” He said, “What is that?” And within two weeks of meeting, I was fully open about all my sexual practices with him. I said, “These are big things for me, and I’m doing this Vaginal Kung Fu course.” He’s supporting me in every way. I’ll say, “I’m going to go and do my yoni egg now,” and he’ll say, “Can I watch?” [Laughs] In bed, he’ll say, “You’re so wet; you’re so gushing. Oh my god, I love it when you’re dripping on my face.”
Worshiping Her Yoni
He is fully in worship of my vagina. He always wants to lick me. He always wants to f**k me. He gives me yoni massages. He’s just in full worship of her, and she is glowing under his affectionate and adoring gaze. [Laughs]
Cock Love
As is his penis—oh my gosh, it’s not hard to love because it’s amazing. Then, yeah, he really loves how much cock love I shower on him and how much I love blow jobs and touching him. Even just throughout the day, I stroke him as he goes by.
There’s so much adoration between us both for each other’s bodies, but also the whole body. It’s not just like a couple that affectionately hugs. We’re really nourishing our sexual energy all the time, and it’s just present between us all the time, this appreciation and love of each other, but also that separate relationship I have with his cock and the separate relationship he has with my pussy. [Laughs]
KIM: It’s so incredible to hear. Is there anything else you’d like to share that you haven’t touched on?
Sex Energy is Life-Force Energy
ROSIE: Good question. Maybe just the main things I loved from your work, just to say that the revelation that sex energy is life-force energy is everything. I love that so much. I know it’s true. Yeah, it’s the source of everything in your life. I just really, really wish everyone knew that sex is as important as eating and breathing. Yeah, that’s one of the most beautiful messages I’ve learned from you.
Surrender, obviously, is what brought this beautiful life that I’m living now into being. You have to surrender to manifest. The two are intrinsically linked. You can’t force manifestation; you have to surrender to what the universe brings. I wasn’t actively asking for a year off. I wasn’t actively asking for this perfect man, and I was surrendering to the things that were arising, and it brought me more than I could’ve ever dreamed of.
But mostly, I just want to say thank you, Kim. You’re amazing, you’re inspiring, you’re beautiful, you’re sexy in every way, and I’ve learned so much from you. I’m so glad I didn’t cry because I thought I might get really emotional because it’s been life-changing finding your work. Really life-changing. The changes within me, within my energy, within how I feel about my body and myself—that’s what I’m most grateful for. Thank you.
KIM: Rosie, you’re such a beautiful, luscious, radiant, vibrant woman. I mean, it just shines and sparkles. All those words you were using before, all of that comes through you so easily from your inner self, your outer self, all of it. You really do emanate the whole, palpable Well-F**ked energy, because you’re wearing and consciously moving and inhabiting that energy.
ROSIE: Thank you so much. Yeah, every woman needs to be a Well-F**ked Woman.
KIM: Agreed.
Vaginal Kung Fu is where it ALL happens.
My legendary 10-week online program is where you learn to awaken and activate your vagina so that it functions as your compass and attractor.
And massive orgasm and handjob giver.
VKF is open for registration NOW and it closes tonight January 30th at midnight PST.
In the salon, you’ll become a maestro of all things vaginal and sexual.
You’ll learn:
- My step-by-step guided vaginal weight lifting routine
- Yoni massage to de-numb and activate your vagina
- Quantum techniques to clear your blocks and illuminate your sexual shadow
- Breast massage techniques to tone, lift and enlarge the breasts
- Natural birth control and detoxing off The Pill
- How to make menstruation and menopause the energizing and rejuvenating portals they were meant to be
- How to give a vaginal handjob
- How to use your sexual energy to heal yourself, including my sexual position mood guide.
Go to Vaginal Kung Fu.